Re: FC3 + 1581 != true

From: Robin Harbron (
Date: 1998-05-08 00:16:24

Larry Anderson wrote:
> Super Snapshot compatibility with the 1581 I don't think occurred till version
> 3 or 4 (certainly not, 2, since I had to upgrade just for that feature at some
> point).  Also SS v5 is not friendly to JiffyDOS devices (I.E. CMD's Hard
> Drive) so I usually disable fast load/save and only keep the wedge on.  :/
> Maybe one of these day's I'll get a jiffyDOS ROM for the 128.

SSv5's "only" problem with CMD's FD-2000 are the turbo save routines.
The load works _very_ quickly - faster than Jiffydos's own.  For the
rare time I'm saving in BASIC, I'll disable the turbo save - if I'm in
the monitor, using
SS "file",8,c000,cfff instead of a single "S" fixes things fine.
Robin Harbron

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