Unknown IC's and more....

Date: 2007-03-22 22:58:38

Hallo allemaal,

I just moved back to my old room. One of the positive things, I found back 
a lot of stuff like finding a small 4032 I completely forgot about :)

I also found some tubes of IC's which appeared to have fallen behind two 
monsters of cupboard: 6522's, 6520's and 2114's. Over 50 of each. Another 
find: 21 6550's. So if someone is interested.... Tip: I'm looking for a 

I also found some 390333-03's. Didn't show up on Internet or Zimmers.net. I 
vagely remember having asked about them before but asking twice won't hurt.

I also found two 2764 EPROM's marked 390388-03 and 390389-03. 

My IC database pops up more IC's where I don't know of where or what they 
where used for like the 380217-01. Wow, surprise.... The first URL is my 
very own page that I completely forgot about !!! :
390333-03 doesn't show up there so I probably never asked about them. But 
have a look at the 380xxx and 390xxx range under the column 'contents', 
please. Every information to fill these gaps is welcome.

I'll give you my unformatted (tab is translated wrong by Wordpad) list 
including the numbers of IC's I have.
The column 'Aant' means the amount I have

Explanation of packagecode:
||| | |
||| | +-- S = gap between pins smaller than 0.1" (DIL-IC)
||| |	  G = gap between pins greater than 0.1" (DIL-IC)
||| +---- D : number of pins
|||	  S : number of pins
|||	  R : number of pins long side
||+------ D : width of chip in 0.1"
||	  R : number of pins small side
|+------- D = DIL (like 6510)
|	  R = rectangular PLCC (like 27256 PLCC)
|	  L = line (like analogue array in 1571)
|	  S = square PLCC (like 8371)
|	  U = square IC with pins (like 68030)
|	  Z = zip-package
+-------- C = ceramic (like 27128 EPROM)
	  P = plastic
	  B = available in C or P 
AL   = ALDI kastje, 32 * klein + 1 * groot
BLx  = blauwe kastjes met 16 kleine schuiflades
BR   = bruine kastje met 5*3 lades
BS   = schappen bij/boven bureau
CB   = blauwe kast Conrad
PB   = grote blauwe kast met 12 schuiflades met 7 vakjes
SM   = schappen tegen muur, rechts naast ingang kamer Ruud
SR   = schappen tegen muur kamer jongens

Dx/x   = schappen tegen muur naast Deur, schap/kolom
K1/x/x = kastje tegen raam, kolom/schap
Sx/x   = schappen tegen muur naast Trap, schap/kolom
Tx/x   = schappen tegen muur naast Schuur, schap/kolom
Wx/x   = schappen tegen muur van Waskeuken, schap/kolom
x/x/x  = zelfgemaakte kasten, kolom/schap/rij

Partnumber  Chipcode	Contents			Package	 Aant	Plaats	Systeem

1001027-01		RF MODULATOR						VIC20
1010019-04		Sticker T500mA 250V					1551 

1EM301-002		DC MOTOR						1530-1531
1EM301-003		R-W HEAD						1530-1531
1540030-04		Sticker							1541C
251025-01		RF MODULATOR						C64
251064-01		????				PD5-24	1	PB5-2
251104-04		Kernal ROM			PD5-24			C64 SX
251257-02A		???							SFD-1001
251527-01  8701		clock generator			PD3-16	8	PB-7-1	C64 ea.
251535-01  8501		CPU				PD5-40	1	CB48-2	+4 C16
251536-01  8360		TED				PD5-48	7	PB-2-1	+4 C16
251640-03  6529		PIO				PD3-20	2	BL3-1	+4 C16
251641-02		7700-010 PLA			PD5-28		CB-2-2
251641-03		???				PD5-28
251715-01		array WITH color-RAM		PD7-64S	10	AL31-3	C64-II
251750-01		Mainboard						1551
251828-01		disk kontroller			PD5-40	5	BL3-1	1541-II
251828-03		disk kontroller			PD5-40	8	BL3-1 
251829-01		gate array			PD3-20	10	BL2-11
251853-01		gate array			PL-31
251854			Mainboard						1541C
251911-01		RF modulator						+4
251913-01  27128	combined Kernal/Basic		PD5-28	14+??	PB-6-7	C128 C64-II
251916-01		RF MODULATOR						C128
251916-03		RF MODULATOR						+4
251968-01  27128	System ROM			PD5-28	8	BL3-2	1541C
251968-02  27128	System ROM			PD5-28	2	BL3-2	1541C
251968-03  27128	System ROM			PD5-28	8	BL3-2	1541C
252126-01  8362R8	DENISE OCS video chip, PAL	PD5-48	8+	BL3-3	Amiga
252127-01  8364R4	PAULA (audio)			PD5-48	1	BL3-3
252127-02  8364R7	PAULA (audio)			PD5-48	9+	BL3-3
252179-01		OS ROM even			PD5-28	3	BL3-2	A1000
252180-01		OS ROM odd			PD5-28	3	BL3-6	A1000
252371-01  5710		CIA-like chip			PD5-48	2	BL3-4	1571CR
252535-01		array WITHOUT color-RAM		PD7-64S	5	BL3-4	C64-II
252608-01						PD7-64S	1	BL3-5
255036-14		Sticker on back (Made in Japan)				C116
255039-09		Sticker T 500mA  250V					1541C
255040-24		Sticker on back (Made in England)			C16
255050-24		Sticker on back (Made in Japan)				1551
255054-02		Sticker "Funkentstort..."				1551
310171			metal cover expansion port				C116
310654-03		dos v3.0, bug recognising				1571
			single sided disk	
310654-05		dos v3.0						1571
310389-01  8722R2	MMU				PD5-48	7	BL2-9	C128
314592-01		SENSORS GROUP						MPS802
315012-01  8721R3	PLA addressdecoder		PD5-48	5	BL3-5	C128
315014-01  8563R9	VDC 80 columns			PD5-48	7	BL3-7	C128
315020-01  8502		CPU				PD5-40	14	PB-1-1	C128
315078-02  27128	Kernal rom			PD5-28	1	BL3-6	C128
315079-01		Char ROM DIN 40 column		PD5-24	3	BL3-6	C128
315090-01		dos				PD5-28	1	BL3-6	1570
315093-01		Kickstart 1.2			PD5-40	4+	BL3-7	A500
315093-02		Kickstart 1.3			PD5-40	7	BL3-7	A500
317040-01		jack							C16
317041-01		pirate adventure					C16
317042-01		atomic mission						C16
317043-01		strange adventure					C16
317046-01		logo	8000-BFFF			1	PB-8-7	+4
317047-01		logo	C000-FFFF			1	PB-8-7	+4 
317051-01		script/plus	8000-BFFF				C16
317052-01		script/plus	C000-FFFF				C16
317053-01		3 plus 1			PD5-28
317054-01		3 plus 1			PD5-28
318004-01  27128	Kernal ROM			CD6-28			C116
318004-04  27128	Kernal ROM			PD5-28			C16
318004-05  27128	Kernal ROM			PD5-28	13	AL27-1	+4
318006-01  27128	Basic ROM			BD6-28			C16
318008-01		System ROM DOS V2.6		PD5-28			1551
318009-01  8566R2	VIC 40 columns			PD5-48	1	BL3-10	C128
318009-01  8566R3	VIC 40 columns			PD5-48	12	BL3-10	C128
318012-01  8500		CPU = 6510			PD5-40	9	PB-2-3	C64-II
318013-01  8580		SID				PD5-28	15	PB-3-8	C64-II
318018-02  27128	Basic rom 4000-7FFF		PD5-28	5	BL3-8	C128
318018-03  27128	Basic rom     "			PD5-28			C128
318018-04  27128	Basic rom, upgrade  "		PD5-28	1	BL3-8	C128
318019-02  27128	Basic rom 8000-BFFF		PD5-28	5	BL3-8	C128
318019-03  27128	Basic rom	"		PD5-28			C128
318019-04  27128	Basic rom, upgrade  "		PD5-28	1	BL3-8	C128
318020-03  27128	Kernal rom US			PD5-28	5	BL3-8	C128
318020-04  27128	Kernal rom US			PD5-28			C128
318020-05  27128	Kernal rom US, upgrade		PD5-28			C128
318022-02  27256	Basic rom			PD5-28	3	BL3-9	C128DCR
318023-02  27256	Kernal rom US +			PD5-28	3	BL3-9	C128DCR
			Kernal & Basic C64 mode	
318029-03  8520A	CIA alike, 2 MHz		PD5-40	18	PB-2-6
318045-01  27256	dos v10							1581
318047-01		dos v3.1			PD5-28	6	BL3-9	1571CR
318069-02  8372A	BIG FAT AGNUS			PS-84	2	Doos
								3	CB34-1
318069-16  8375						PS-84	1	CB34-1
318071-01  8371		FAT AGNUS, PAL			PS-84	4	Doos
								8	CB20-1
318072-01  5719		GARY floppy and misc. logi	PD5-48	8+	BL3-10	A500
318072-02  5719		GARY floppy and misc. logi	PD5-48			A500
318075-01						PD5-48	1	BL3-12
318075-02						PD5-48	1	BL3-12
318077-01  27256	Kernal rom DIN +	
			Kernal & Basic C64 mode					C128DCR
318077-03  27256	Kernal rom DIN +	
			Kernal & Basic C64 mode					C128DCR
324744-01		PLA CBM 8296(D)			PD5-28	4	BL3-11	CBM 8296
324745-01						PD5-28	3	BL3-11
325302-01  2364		ROM	C000-DFFF		PD5-24	5	BL3-11	1541
325303-01		rom		"		PD5-24	6	BL3-13	1540
325340-03  6500/1	MPU 1520-plotter		PD5-40	3	BL3-12	1520
325341-01		ROM				PD5-24	3	BL3-13	1526
325572-01		gate array			PD5-40	7+D	BL3-15	1541
380212-07		PLA							PC10
380212-08		PLA				PD5-28	3	BL3-13	PC10
380217-01						PD5-24	3	BL3-13
380715-02						PD3-24	3	BL3-14
380783-01						PD3-20	3	BL3-14
380784-01						PD3-20	3	BL3-14
380785-01		PAL				PD3-20	3	BL3-14	A2000
390059-01		Char ROM US 40 columns		PD5-24	1	BL3-8	C128
390084-01  68000	CPU 10 MHz			PD9-64	1	PB-7-4
390229-01		hybride IC 1541 of 1571		SIL-22	1	PB-4-2
390229-03		hybride IC 1541 of 1571		SIL-22	1	PB-4-2
390307-02						PD3-20	3	BL3-14
390309-01						PD3-20	3	BL3-14
390333-03						PD3-20	4	BL3-14
390336-02						PD3-20	3	BL3-14
390388-03  2764						PD5-28	1	AL16-1
390389-03  2764						PD5-28	1	AL16-1
390433-02  8373R4	DENISE				PD5-48	4	BL3-15
390540			FAT GARY			PS-84	3	BL4-12
390563-01		DMAC				PS-84	2	CB36-2	A590
390629-01		OS V2.04			PD5-40	3	BL2-6	A3000
390630-01		OS V2.04			PD5-40	3	BL2-6
390852-01		Kernal & Basic rom					C64GS
390979-01		OS V2.04			PD5-40	3	BL2-7
391010-01		ALICE				PS-84	1	CB52-2
391078-01/2  8520PL					PS-44	x	PB-10-3
391227-01		LISA				PS-84	5	CB35-2
391304-01		OS V2.04			PD5-40	3	BL2-7
391388-01		OS V2.05			PD5-40	1	BL2-8	A600
391424-02		GAYLE				PS-84	5	Doos
								4	CB35-1
391523-01		OS V3.00			PD5-40	1	BL2-8
391524-01		OS V3.00			PD5-40	1	BL2-8
600422-75  LAG570	MOTOR CTRL.						1541C
601020-03		PAPER FEED MOTOR					MPS803
601020-95		HEAD MOTOR						MPS803
601200-48		HEAD MOTOR						MPS802
601200-53		HEAD DRIVING BELT					MPS802
604010-07		PCB ASSY MOTOR CTRL. Newtro				1541C

8700-009		PLA 1				PD5-28	2	CB23-2	CBM 8296
901225-01  2364		Character ROM			PD5-24	7+D	BL2-12	C64
901226-01  2364		Basic ROM			PD5-24	7+D	BL2-11	C64
901227-02  2364		Kernal ROM			PD5-24	2	BL2-11	C64
901227-03  2364		Kernal ROM			PD5-24	24	AL19-3	C64
901229-05  2364		ROM				PD5-24	6D	AL23-3	1541
901435-01  6502		CPU, 1 MHz			PD5-40	zie verder	
901436-01  6520		PIA, Peripheral Interface	APD5-40	45D	PB-2-4  
			, 6821-clone	
901437-01  6522		VIA, Versatile Interface	PD5-40	45	PB-3-5 
901438-01  6550		1K*4 SRAM			PD4-22	21	BL2-15
901458-01  6532		RIOT				PD5-40
901460-03		Character ROM			PD5-24	4	BL2-12	VIC20
901465-01									MMF900
901465-02									3032
901465-20									3032
901465-21									3032
901465-22									3032
901465-23									3032
901466	   6530		RIOT 4040			PD5-40	2	AL10-3	4040
901467-01						PD5-24	2	PB-5-1 
901468-xx		ROMs van de 4040		PD5-24	2	BL4-6	4040
901482-03									8050
901482-04									8050
901482-05		upgrade of 04 ??					8050
901482-07		upgrade of 03 ??					8050
901483-04								8050
901484-03								2031LP
901484-05								2031LP
901486-01		Basic ROM			PD5-24	1	BL2-12	VIC20
901486-06		Kernal ROM			PD5-24	1	BL2-12	VIC20
901486-07		Kernal ROM			PD5-24		BL2-12	VIC20
901502-01  4066	quad analog switch
901522-06  7406		hex OC invertor buffer
901522-30  7407		hex OC buffer
901527-01  7812		12V voltage regulator
901527-02  7805		5V voltage regulator
901640-01		SCAND.GEN						MMF900
901869-01  6532 ??	RIOT				PD5-40	1	PB-6-1
901885-01  6530-47	RIOT DOS 2.7						8050
901885-04  6530-47	RIOT DOS 2.7			PD5-40	2	PB-3-2	8250
901887-01						PD5-24	3	PB-5-1		
901888-01						PD5-24	2	PB-5-1	
901895-01  6551		ACIA				PD5-28	10	PB-5-4 
901896-01  6561		VIC-I  PAL			PD5-40	6	PB-5-6	VIC20

902503-06		power supply						C64
906106-01		XTAL	17.734 MHZ
906107-01  6510		CPU				PD5-40	15D	PB-2-3 
906108-01  6526		CIA, Complex Interface Adap	PD5-40	21	PB-4-3/4
906111-01  6569		VIC-II PAL
			R1				BD6-40	5	PB-3-3
			R3				BD6-40	x	PB-3-3
			R4				PD5-40	1	PB-3-3
			R5				PD5-40	1	PB-3-3
906112-01  6581		SID				PD5-28	24	PB-4-7
906114-01  82S100	PLA				PD5-28	15D	PB-4-6 C64
906150-02  see Z80


Partnumber	Contents			Package	Aant	Plaats	Systeem


4067	see 41464
4116		16K*1 DRAM			PD3-16	23	PB-1-6
41256		256K*1 DRAM			PD3-16		pot W6/4
41256		256K*1 DRAM			ZIP-16		CB43-2
41416	see 81416
414256		256K*4 DRAM			PD3-20	x	CB29-1
41464		64K*4 DRAM			PD3-18	x	CB29-2
4164		64K*1 DRAM			PD3-16	x	W5/5/2
4464	see 41464
4416	see 81416
4716	see 4116  
511000		1MB*1				PD3-20	x	CB39-1
81416		16K*4 DRAM			PD3-18	20	PB-2-2

HM514800	512K*8				SMD-28	4	CB53-2
M5M418160	1M*16				SMD-42	4	CB53-1
MB8118	= Intel 2118 maar wat ???				CB47-2

 64 KB * 8  30 pins						CB22-1
256 KB * 8  30 pins					x	AL22
  1 MB * 8  30 pins						PB-6-3/4/5

unknown	IBM 30 pins						CB21-1

8 MB 72 pins							Doos 21
16 MB 72 pins							Doos 21

2404						PD3-8	1	CB13-1
2444						PD3-8	1	CB13-1
2804						PD5-24	3	CB13-1
2816						BD6-24	5	CB13-1
2864						BD6-28	4	CB13-1
28256						BD6-32	1	CB13-1
28512						BD6-32	1	CB13-1
28F001						BD6-32	3	CB13-1
28F010						BD6-32	3	CB13-1
28F101						BD6-32	1	CB13-1
28F1000						BD6-32	3	CB13-1

29C256						PD5-28	5	CB13-3
29C010						BD6-32	x	AL10-1/2
29F010						SQ-32	1	AL10-1/2
29C020						BD6-32	1	AL16-1
29F040						SQ-32	1	AL6
29F100						SMD-44	2	CB13-1
29EE010						BD6-32	1	AL16-1
29EE020						BD6-32	1	AL16-1
49F002						BD6-32	1	AL16-1

LH28F016SCT	2M*8				SMD-40		CB53-1

2532		4K*8 EPROM			PD5-24		AL11
2564		8K*8 EPROM			PD5-28		AL12
2708		1K*8 EPROM			PD5-24
2716		2K*8 EPROM			PD5-24		AL19-1/2
2732		4K*8 EPROM			PD5-24		AL20-1/2
2732A		4K*8 EPROM			PD5-24		AL20-1/2
2764		8K*8 EPROM			PD5-28		AL7
2764OTP		8K*8 EPROM			PD5-28		AL7
27128		16K*8 EPROM			PD5-28		AL23-1/2
27256		32K*8 EPROM			PD5-28		AL8
27512		64K*8 EPROM			PD5-28		AL24-1/2

68766		EPROM Motorola equi 2364	CD6-24	35	AL27-3

DS1220		2K*8				PD5-24	2	CB42-1						
DS1225		8K*8				PD5-28	7	PB-6-4
DS1230		32K*8				PD5-28	1	CB42-2
DS1235		32K*8				PD5-28	1	CB42-2
DS1245		128K*8				PD5-28	5	PB-6-3
MK48T02B	??K*8 SRAM			PD5-24	x	AL3-2
D431000+DS1216	128K*8				PD5-24	1	AL15-1

2016	see 6116
2114		1K*4 SRAM			PD3-18	x	PB-6-5
51257		32K*8 SRAM			PD5-28	62	PB-8-3
6116		2K*8 SRAM			PD5-24	x	BR14-1
6264		8K*8 SRAM			PD5-28	24	PB-8-2
62256		32K*8 SRAM			PD5-28	x	CB-58-1 zie 51257
621000		128K*8 SRAM			PD5-28	x	PB-8-6
681000		128K*8 SRAM			PD5-32	10	PB-8-6
681000		128K*8 SRAM			SMD-32	4	CB38-2
681002		128K*8 SRAM			SMD-32	2	CB38-2
68512		64K*8 SRAM			SMD 32	1	PB-8-6
BQ4850YMA	512K*8 SRAM + RTC		PD5-32	x	AL3-1
CY7199		32K*8				smd-28		CB53-2
D2148		1K*4				PD3-18	2	PB-6-2
HM62256		32K*8				smd-28		CB53-2
HN628512	512K*8 SRAM			PD5-32	x	AL3-1
M5M5256		32K*8 SRAM			SMD-28	2	CB-38-2
M5M51008	128K*8, 3V3			SMD-32	4	PB10-6

 2B						PD3-24	x	CB39-1
 8KB						PD3-28	x	CB28-2
32KB						PD3-28	x	CB28-1
64KB						PD3-32	x	CB48-1

Voltage regulators:
7805								PB10-2
7812								PB11-2
UA78H05		+ koeling, 5A					Doos 24


1488		RS232-drivers			PD3-14	20	BL2-13
1489		RS232-drivers			PD3-14	25	BL2-14

16450		ACIA				PD5-40	x	CB7-3
16C450		ACIA				PD5-40	x	CB7-3
16C452		multi I/O			SQ	2	BL3-16
16C552		ACIA + ???			SQ	1	CB41-1
5721						PD5-48	1	BL3-15

58167		RTC (XT MIO-kaart)		PD5-24	4	CB37-2

63484		video				PD9-64	1	CB47-1

6502		CPU, 1 MHz			PD5-40	x	PB-5-3
6502A		CPU, 2 MHz			PD5-40	10	Doos
6502B		CPU, 3 MHz			PD5-40	7	PB-6-6
65C02-3		6502, CMOS 3 MHz		PD5-40	x	PB10-5
65C02-14	6502, CMOS 14 MHz		PD5-40	1	PB10-7
65C02-14	6502, CMOS 14 MHz		SQ44	1	CB16-1
65SC02-3	6502, CMOS 3 MHz		PD5-40	35	Doos / PB10-4
6504		CPU				PD5-28	2	PB-3-6
6505		CPU				PD5-28	28	PB-2-7
6507		CPU				PD5-28	1	PB-5-2
6509		CPU				PD5-40	20	PB-4-5
6510		CPU				PD5-40	15D	PB-2-3 
6512		CPU, 1 MHz			PD5-40	1	PB-5-7
6520	zie boven
6522	zie boven
65C22		VIA 1 MHz			PD5-40	1	PB-3-4
6522A		VIA 2 MHz			PD5-40	12	PB-3-4
6523T		28p version of 6525		PD5-28
65245		74245 CMOS/TTL			PD3-20	2	PB-7-7	VIC20
6525		TPI, Tri-Port Interface		PD5-40	2	CB24-2
6526		CIA 1 MHz			PD5-40	x	PB-4-3/4
6526A		CIA 2 MHz			PD5-40	x	PB-4-3/4
6526B		CIA 3 MHz			PD5-40	2	PB-7-2
6530		I/O, RAM, ROM			PD5-40	1	PB-3-2
6532		I/O, RAM			PD5-40	8	PB-6-1
6532A		I/O, RAM  2 mhZ			PD5-40	2	PB-6-1
6545		CRT, 6845-clone			PD5-40	2	PB-8-1
6551		ACIA			zie boven
6560		VIC-I  NTSC			PD5-40	2	PB-5-6	VIC20
6561	zie 901896-01 
6567		VIC-II NTSC			PD5-40			C64
6570-036	AMIGA keyboard controler	PD5-40	7	BL2-10
65816		16 bit version of 6502		PD5-40	1	CB16-1
65C816		16 bit version of 6502		SQ44	1	CB16-1

68000P8		CPU				PD9-64	x	AL30
68000C8		CPU				PD9-64	2	PB-7-4	
68000P10	CPU				PD9-64	1	PB-7-4	
68000C16	CPU				PD9-64	2	PB-7-4	
68008		CPU				PD5-48	3	CB15-2
6802		CPU flipperkast			PD5-40	5	CB23-1
68030-25	CPU				CU-128	1	BL4-6
68030-40	CPU				CU-128	1	BL4-6
6809		CPU				PD5-40	3	CB15-2
6810		memory				PD5-24	1	BL4-8
6821		PIA				PD5-40	x	AL15-2/3
6840		Timer				PD5-24	2	CB14-1
6845		CRT				PD5-40		CB-8-1
68B45		CRT, 2 MHz			PD5-40		CB-8-1
6850		ACIA				PD5-24	4	BL4-8
68B54		advanced data link controler	PD5-24	1	CB14-1
68705		u-Controller/EPROM		CD6-40	1	CB15-2
68881		coprocessor			CU-68	2	3e la bureau
68882		coprocessor			CU-68	1	BL4-1

7106		Multimeter IC			PB6-40	2	CB17-1

74198		shift register			PD5-24		PB-1-7
74199		shift register			PD5-24		PB-1-7
74612		MMU				PD5-40		CB-8-2

7501		CPU				PD5-40

75160		IEEE-488 databus driver		PD4-20	4	AL15-3
75161		IEEE-488 control driver		PD4-20	4	AL15-2

765	see 8272

7910		Modem-IC			CD6-28	3	CB-5-3
80186							3	CB27-2
80188							3	CB27-2
80286								PB-8-4/
80287		co-processor 80286			3	AL3-3
80386							3	CB27-1
80386DX-33						1	CB48-2
80386SX-16						1	CB27-2
80387SX-16						1	CB27-1
8042		Keyboard controller AT		PD5-40	x	CB-9-1
8048		u-controller			PD5-40	9	Doos
80486							1	PB-5-5
80486SX							4	PB-5-5
8051		u-controller			PD5-40	1	CB-9-2
8052		u-controller			PD5-40	x	CB-9-2
80C552		u-controller			SQ68	x	CB-9-2
8085							2	CB15-2
8086								CB11-1
8087		co-processor for 8088/8086 PD5-40	2	CB15-1
8088								CB11-1

8155		I/O, timer			PD5-40	4	CB20-2
8156		I/O, timer ???			PD5-40	1	CB20-2

8212		I/O, 8bit			PD5-24	2	PB12-3
82284		Clockgenerator 80286		PD3-18	x	CB6-3
82288		Buscontroller 80286		PD3-20	x	CB6-3
8237-5		DMA, 5 MHz			PD5-40	x	PB-9-3
8243		I/O-port, multiplex bus		PD5-24	1	CB23-2
82450		ACIA				PD5-40	x	CB7-3
8250		ACIA				PD5-40	x	CB7-3
8251		ACIA				PD5-28	x	CB6-2
82510		ACIA				PD5-28	x	CB6-2
8253		Timer XT			PD5-24		CB19-1
8254		Timer AT			PD5-24		CB19-1
8255		I/O				PD5-40	x	PB-9-4
82586		Network-IC			PD5-48	1	CB41-1
8259		Interrupt controller		PD5-28		CB19-1
8272		Floppydisk controller		PD5-40	x	CB12-1
8284		Clockgenerator 8088/8086	PD3-18	x	CB6-3
8288		Buscontroller 8088/8086		PD3-20	x	CB6-3

82C11		printerport			PD5-40	4	CB30-2

82C201		AT-IC				PS-84	4	CB14-2
82C202		AT-IC				PD5-48	4	CB14-2
82C203		AT-IC				PS-68	4	CB14-2
82C204		AT-IC				PS-68	4	CB14-2
82C205		AT-IC				PS-68	4	CB14-2
82C206		AT-IC				PS-84	3	CB14-2

8361R3						PD5-48	9	PB-4-1
8367R0		AGNUS	

8398		FDD-controller ???		PD5-48	1	CB41-1
8520		CIA alike, 1 MHz		PD5-40
8565R2		VIC-II				PD5-40	13D	PB-3-1	C64-II
8568		VDC 80 columns			PD5-48	2	BL2-9	C128DCR

8741		u-Controller / EPROM		CD6-40	2	CB18
8742		u-Controller / EPROM		CD6-40	8	CB18
8748		u-Controller / EPROM		CD6-40	2	CB18
8749		u-Controller / EPROM		CD6-40	1	CB18
8751		u-Controller / EPROM		CD6-40	1	CB18

89C51		u-Controller / FRAM		CD6-40	x	CB17-2

AD563		ADC					2	BL3-16
ADC0804		ADC					2	CB17-1

AY-3-1015	UART				PD5-40	2	CB30-1
AY-3-8910	Sound				PD5-40	1	CB41-2

C010750	see 6532	Atari-code, surplus	
c014795-12	Atari versie 6520		PD5-40	1	PB12-3
c014805		Atari versie 6502		PD5-40	1	PB12-3
c025913-38	Atari, DMA ???			PD5-40	2	PB12-3
C48179	???	Basic toolkit PET 2001		PD5-24	8	AL27-2
CD74HC2210	8*8 switch matrix		PD5-28	13	AL25-2
CDP1802CE	CPU				PD5-40	1	AL4-1
CDP1854		UART				PD5-40	1	CB30-2
CRT9600						PD5-24	14	PB-9-2

Delay						PD3-14	x	BL4-5
DL1416		LED, alphanumeric			1	CB40-2
DS1287		RTC, MC146818P + Battery	PD5-24	x	CB37-1
DS12887A	RTC, MC146818P + Battery	PD5-24	3	CB37-1

EPM7128SQC160	Altera CPLD			SQ	2	PL4-2
FDC1791		floppy controller		PD5-40	1	PL4-3
FDC9216		data seperator			PD3-4	1	PL3-16
FDC9268		floppy controller		PD5-40	1	PL4-3

GAL16V8		Lattice				PD3-24		AL14
GAL20V8		Lattice				PD3-20		AL14

HD46508		ADC				PD5-40	1	PL4-3
HLMP-26x0	LED, lightbar					AL2
HP 5082-7340	intelligente 7-seg displays		16	CB51-2

KR3600		Keyboard encoder		PD5-40	9	pb-9-6	Apple IIc

L293		motor driver			PD3-16	2	CB25-1
L298							1	CB25-1

LCA110		Optocupler			PD3-6	30+	AL24-3
LC3514A-15  see 2114
LC3517A-15  see 6116

M5832		timer				PD18-4	1	CB14-1
M2128-20	see 6116
M58725P	see 6116			
MAX543ACPA	seriele DAC			PD3-8	2	BL3-16
MC14411		Baud rate deler			PD5-24	4	CB34-2
MC146818P	RTC				PD5-24	x	CB37-2
MC3446		IEEE-driver			PD3-16	4	PB-5-2
MK50395		LED-driver			PD5-40	4	CB40-2

MSM228-15	see 6116
NE555		timer				PD3-8	2	CB-48-2
NE592		opamp ??			PD3-14	20	AL31-1

PCF817		4*optocoupler			PD3-16	10	BL4-4

RP5C15		RTC van Ricoh				1	CB48-2

SCB2376		Video attribute			PD5-40	7	PB-9-2
SCN2674B	Video IC			PD5-40	16	PB-9-7
SCN68681	UART				PD5-40	2	PL4-3

TDA1540		DAC vor CD-speler		CD6-28	2	CB-5-3
TDA2003							1	CB25-1
TIL305		LED, raster 7*5 uit IBM,		x	CB46
TIL311		intelligente 7-seg displays		x	CB51-1
TM9929		Video				PD5-40	3	CB41-2

TMM2016P	see 6116			

UA9638		Line driver			PD3-8	20+	AL20-3
ULN2003	see uPA2003
ULN2803		7 * OC invertor 1 Amp		PD3-16		CB-2-1
UM5100		Voice module			PD5-40	1	PB12-6
UM8397		Uigebreide floppydisk cont	PD5-48	1	CB12-1
UM8398		Uigebreide floppydisk cont	PD5-48	1	CB12-1
uPA2003		7 * OC invertor 1 Amp		PD3-16		CB-2-1

V20		8088 clone			PD5-40	5	CB12-2 

WD1691-PE	Data seperator voor floppy	PD3-20	3	CB34-2
WD1772		drive-IC			PD5-28	28	PB-2-5
WD9216		data seperator			PD3-4	1	PL3-16

Z180MPU						PS	2	CB-16-2

Z8001 SEG CPU						3	AL1/1
Z8002 NONSEG CPU					1	AL1/1
Z8010 MMU						4	AL1/1

Z80 CPU 2.5 MHz					PD5-40		PB-1-3
  A	4 MHz
  B	6 MHz
	10 MHz					PLCC-44	2	PB-1-3
Z80CTC						PD5-28	14	AL31-2
Z80DART						PD5-40	2	AL26-3
Z80DMA						PD5-40	10	AL28-1
Z80PIO						PD5-40		CB11-2
Z80SIO0						PD5-40	3	AL26-2
Z80SIO1						PD5-40	1	Al26-2
Z80SIO2						PD5-40	11	AL26-1
Z8030		SCC				SQ-44	8	AL4-2
Z8036		CIO				SQ-44	3	AL4-3
Z8530		SCC				PD5-40	1	BL4-4

ZN428E-8	DAC				PD3-16	4	CB-5-3

4508		2*4-bit latch					CB57-1
4515		4-16 decoder					CB57-1

If you see an IC of interest, feel free to inquire. 

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  / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud
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