Re: compiling opencbm under Ubuntu

From: Spiro Trikaliotis (
Date: 2007-09-18 21:49:34


although this is not an OpenCBM newsgroup, I take the opportunity to
answer here as I take this mail as a complaint at me.

* On Tue, Sep 18, 2007 at 12:14:05AM -0700 Jeremy wrote:
> --- Glenn Holmer <> wrote:
> > On Monday 17 September 2007 05:20, Wolfgang Moser wrote:
> > > That one is a trigger, please have a look at the
> > > patches section of the Sourceforge OpenCBM site,
> > > Spiro did some explanations about this issue
> > > there (kernels >= 2.6.18). Maybe this helps you
> > > to solve your compilation issue.
> > 
> > That got me a clean compile, but there was much more unpleasantness 
> > before I finally got it to run.  I see now why some people hate Linux 
> > (it was relatively straightforward under openSUSE).

Glenn, here, you are right. These patches could have been integrated
into a source tarball for easier compilation. I waited for this as I
wanted some more people testing if it works as it should.

When I find the time, I will integrate these patches (and only these)
into a new 0.4.1 version. I thought I would be faster with the "real"
planned 0.4.1, which adds some features, but I am short on time

> Thanks for asking this question here.. I have been shakin' my brain left and
> right trying to come up with a suitable answer to Beata's question of which you
> were asking.
> Compiling "ANYTHING" in Ubuntu without the right knowledge and tools is like
> pulling teeth from a baby.  (Enter my experience with several versions of
> vice.)

Well, I don't know about Ubuntu, but I know for sure that this is
documented well for Debian. Here, with "this", I mean to install
"build-essentials" if you want to compile anything on the system.

Note that I cannot add this information for every distribution into the
OpenCBM documentation, as it differs significantly for every
distribution. I might add a hint in the documentation, though (if I do
not forget this), to look into your distribution's specific
documentation on how to build anything.

Note that OpenCBM/Linux also allows you to generate .deb packages of the
user-mode tools, as well as for the kernel module. The kernel-module
still has to be compiled with module-assistant, thanks to the "wisdom"
of the Linux kernel developpers. ;)

To generate the packages, get the source distribution of OpenCBM, unpack
it, change into its directory, enter "chmod 700 debian/rules", and use
"fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage" (after installing the fakeroot package as
well as the dpkg-buildpackage package via apt/aptitude).

This works for Debian and Ubuntu (tested).


Spiro R. Trikaliotis                               

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