RE: 1541IDE and 1541IDE-S
Date: 2007-11-29 16:01:22

Hallo Per,

> Very cool. Am I correct in thinking that fastloaders that rely on job
> codes for the low level disk access will still work?

Hmmm, I don't know. Fastloaders that only interfere with the actual
communication, like JiffyDOS and the Power Cartridge, shouldn't have any
problem IMHO. But speedloaders that interfere with the disk access
itself will have problems, I fear. For example, there is a job code for
moving the head in the original 1541 and as that makes no sense anymore,
I removed that part. As I reused some of the freed zeropage addresses
there is a chance that such a program, trying to speed up things,
unwantedly changes a completely different parameter. OTOH the codes for
reading and writing a block, $80 and $90, are still supported.

FYI, I didn't move any existing RAM variable. For example, the variable
that tells the drive it is in VIC-20 or C64 mode ist still on the
original place although it was very inconvenient as most variables
around it are not used anymore and I could have used the freed space
better if it was moved.

I have a free day tomorrow and, if my lovely wife will let me :), I hope
to finish the 1541IDE-S project.

    / __|__
   / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud
   \ \__|_\
    \___|       URL:


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