Commodore 1582 HD

From: MagerValp (
Date: 2008-02-04 17:41:43

The elusive 1582/1590/1591 just made a brief appearance on the Plus/4
World forums:

Posted By      But are you saying that you had the one and only
MagerValp      prototype of the high density 1582, that was last heard
on 2008-02-03  of in the 90s?

Posted By      Nope, one of two. Jack Vanderwhite had #4 0f 6, I had #2
Visitor	       of 6. He also had a 1590-D-1 (some thought he had a
on 2008-02-03  1591). The Rom was a replacement (and a few jumpers) in
10:21:33       the 1581, for 1.44megs of storage.

Posted By      The '82 was in a 1581 type case. I remember telling
Visitor	       Jack, that his D-1 sure looked like an Amiga external
on 2008-02-03  drive type case. Maybe that's what the design dept had
10:47:25       on hand, when they built the proto of that mutant.
               Anyway, the Rom images for both were sent to Marko at
               Funet.. years ago.


    ___          .     .  .         .       . +  .         .      o   
  _|___|_   +   .  +     .     +         .  Per Olofsson, arkadspelare
    o-o    .      .     .   o         +
     -       +            +    .

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