Date: 2008-07-10 09:24:47
Hallo allemaal, I received quite a number of 8050 disks with a lot of software (unfortunately for the major part of you, most of it is in Dutch). Anyway I want to make D80 and D82 images of them. Some years ago I developed a tool to copy disks so I could diskcopy some WordCraft disks for Marko. Problem: although partly in ASM, it is still slow. I know it can be done much quicker, just look at Star Commander with parallel cable or my CBM-HD project, version 4. I already found out that an own fast communication between the PC and the 8250 drive over the IEEE cable is no problem at all. My problem is that I have no idea how to tell a 8250 drive what sector to load in ML. I know how to do it with a 1541, so the only thing I need is that someone tells me what RAM locations I have to use with a 8250. But a 8250 has two drives, how can I tell the 8250 what drive to use? Some ASM examples would be great! Thanks in advance! -- ___ / __|__ / / |_/ Groetjes, Ruud \ \__|_\ \___| URL: De informatie in dit e-mailbericht is vertrouwelijk en uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Wanneer u dit bericht per abuis ontvangt, verzoeken wij u contact op te nemen met de afzender per kerende e-mail. Verder verzoeken wij u in dat geval dit e-mailbericht te vernietigen en de inhoud ervan aan niemand openbaar te maken. Wij aanvaarden geen aansprakelijkheid voor onjuiste, onvolledige dan wel ontijdige overbrenging van de inhoud van een verzonden e-mailbericht, noch voor daarbij overgebrachte virussen. APG Algemene Pensioen Groep NV is gevestigd te Heerlen en is ingeschreven in het handelsregister van de Kamer van Koophandel Limburg onder nummer 14099617 The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be privileged. It may be read, copied and used only by the intended recipient. If you have received it in error, please contact the sender immediately by return e-mail; please delete in this case the e-mail and do not disclose it's contents to any person. We don't accept liability for any errors, omissions, delays of receipt or viruses in the contents of this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. APG Algemene Pensioen Groep NV is registered in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce Limburg, The Netherlands, registration number: 14099617 Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing list
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