Re: Order of sectors on a track

Re: Order of sectors on a track

Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 19:59:05 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Hallo allemaal,

I'm in trouble :( The speedy mode doesn't work as expected. Up to track 24 
things work fine. With these tracks after reading a sector, three other 
sectors pass under the head during unGCRing the read data and storing it to 
the harddisk. From track 25 on most of the time it takes three sectors but 
sometimes four sectors. So I have to find out how many did pass. 
Hmm, it helps writing your problems down :) Now I use a routine to find 
sector 0 because I need a known starting point. It is based on the 
subroutine found at $F510. After handling sector I just tell the drive to 
wait for sector 5, and then for 10, 15 etc. Second idea (that just popped 
up): I only use this method for track 25 - 35. Wow, I'm good :)

FYI: I also replaced the 1541's 'changing track' routine I used by my own 
one. The gain was maybe half a second. Too less IMHO so I kept the original 
1541 one. 

   / __|__
  / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud Baltissen
  \ \__|_\

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