Program database

Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 09:56:12 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Hallo allemaal,
I have a lot of CD's filled with images and I'm sure that I have more
then one copy of a lot of files. But finding files is a problem as well.
Having a database could simplify things. So my first question: is there
a program available that enables you to read floppies/images and to
store the information about programs, headers, sizes etc. in a database?

Anyway, during the trip to Marko and Anders, Patryk took some time to
chase girls, eh... I mean to photograph intersting objects like old
castles and cathedrals. I took that time to create a small program in
Delhi on my laptop. It enables you to store databases (for example one
for D64 images, one for D71 images etc.), names of the carrier
(Harddisk-C, CD0034, etc.) and the starting directory (J:\,
C:\Commodore-CDs, etc.). During the search I calculate the MD5 of the
image and the MD5 of the individual files. I store the name of the
database, carrier, directory, name of the image, its MD5, the header,
the name of the PRG/USR/etc. and its MD5.
Why the MD5? The MD5 enables you to find out if two files are the same,
even if they have a different name.
I can search for D64's, D71's, D80's and D82's. As you can see D81 is
missing because I haven't found out yet how directories exactly work. 
The results can be stored in Comma-Seperated-Value files that can be
imported by a spreadsheet like Excel or OpenOffice. These programs can
sort the data in any way you want and saves me the trouble to program
this feature :) So far I only create a list with available images and a
list with available files.
As said, the program is written in Delphi, which means Windows. I know
there is a Linux-equivalent, Kylix, but haven't any idea about
Is there any interest for such a program? If so, any ideas, suggestions
or whatever to enhance it?

    / __|__
   / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud
   \ \__|_\
    \___|       URL:


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