RE: Aftermarket C64 power supplies

Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 07:45:08 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Hallo Justin,

To be honest, I have never experienced problems with C64 power supplies.
But if I have a choice, I use the REU or British power supplies. I don't
know if the last ones are British indeed but they have about the shape
as the original ones, don't have rounded edges, are (a sort of) white
and, most important, aren't filled with epoxy which means better

> ... the right reasons (clean, switched, fail safe).

The problem in this case is not the PS but the design of the C64. It
needs +5V and 9VAC. This 9VAC is used to generate an other +5V, +12V and
the TOD signal. The 9VAC can also used to power a device connected to
the Userport. 

I never heard of C64 PS replacement ready from the shelves. That doesn't
mean it doesn't exist. If it indeed doesn't, the question is: do want to
tinker with your C64? If you don't, my best advise is: get a REU PS,
those newer square power supplies.

If you don't mind, ask yourself the next two questions:
- do I need the TOD?
- do I need the 9VAC for an Eprommer or modem?

If you don't, remove the 7805 and 7812 you'll find inside the C64 and
connect everything to the according wire of a PC-PS. Works great, I have
done it several times.
If you only need the TOD, there are small IC's available that can
generate 50 or 60 Hz. Using a divider and some gates can do the trick as
If you need the 9VAC as well, just use the 9VAC of the original C64 PS
parallel to the PC-PS. FYI: the C64SX has a switched PS on board but
uses a seperate transformer to power the 9VAC for the Userport.

Good luck!

    / __|__
   / /  |_/     Groetjes, Ruud
   \ \__|_\
    \___|       URL:


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