Hello, I'm trying to understand how the TED handles the badlines it needs to get character and attribute info. The VIC-II in the C64 has an internal RAM of 40 x 12 Bits and since it has a 12 Bit data bus it only needs one badline per character row. This can happen on the first raster line of a character row. TED on the other hand has only 8 Bits on the data bus and 8 Bit attributes so it needs 2 badlines per character row, one for the character pointer and one for the attributes (color, brightness, flash). It also needs 2 internal RAM blocks of 40 x 8 Bits. The problem I see is that in order to produce a correct character row all the information necessary for that row needs to be present at all times. So you cannot just have one badline at the first raster line and one at the second raster line of a character row since that would mean that you don't have the correct attributes during the first raster line. The only working way I could come up with is that the badlines happen at the last raster line of the preceeding character row and at the first raster line of the current character row. Also the access timing for the internal RAM blocks and system RAM access needs to differ between the 2 badlines. During the first badline (at the end of a character row) TED first hands the Byte from internal RAM to the video logic and then replaces it with the one it read from system RAM during the next cycle since it no longer needs the internally buffered Byte by then. During the second badline, TED first grabs a Byte from system RAM, stores it internally and then uses it together with the data from the character ROM it gets in the next cycle. Memory access to system RAM during badline 1 would look like this: CACACACACACA Badline 2: ACACACACACAC A = Attribute or character pointer load C = Character ROM access. I have no idea if that's the way it's really implemented but that's the only way I could come up with that would work. Looks like a rather complicated state machine though, especially at the end of the screen. Also, TED seems to be the only MOS video controller that needs 2 badlines. I'm open for suggestions and corrections. Gerrit Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing listReceived on 2011-09-01 17:00:17
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