Re: CP/M cartridge

From: William Levak (
Date: 2000-03-23 03:12:25

This should be added to the documentation on funet so everyone can see it.

On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Richard Atkinson wrote:

> This is good stuff!!! Thanks, Bill.
> Richard
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2000 22:51:14 -0500
> From: Bil Herd <>
> To: 'Richard Atkinson' <>
> Subject: RE: Calling Bil Herd
> The problem with the CPM cartridge is a design flaw with the thinking behind
> the cartridge where the Z80's processor gets frozen for a memory cycle and
> then runs for 2 clocks and then frozen again.  The problem is that if you
> freeze it during a cycle (which will happen about 1/3 of the time)  when the
> internal bus on the Z80 is in a "float" condition, the address multiplexorss
> on the CPM cart are exposed to a voltage that is neither a "1" nor a "0"
> (about 1.2-1.4 volts if memory servers).  This has the nasty effect of
> causing the multiplexor (which cane be thought of as an amplifier for this
> purpose) to oscillate since it has an "illegal" voltage on it's input.  Well
> if the address lines oscillate or don't stand perfectly still during certain
> parts of the DRAM cycle (particuarly the Row Address Setup and Hold and the
> Column Address Setup and Hold) ALL bets are off.  Several rows (or columns)
> of data get selected inside the DRAM all at once causing contention and
> other nasty things to occur and there goes the DRAM data integrity.
> I don't know of anyway to fix it shy of changing brands of  multiplexes on
> the CPM cartridge or putting some strong pull-ups on the address lines to
> fight the "amplified bus float" that comes out of the Z80.
> This design flaw was so nasty that there was no question in my mind about
> building a Z80 into the C128 to do CPM.... Relying on the design flaws in
> the cart simply wasn't an option.
> BTW, a year later I found an Apple schematic tucked in a drawer of the Z80
> cartridge for the Apple II.  Turns out an early CBM engineer had copied the
> design, flaw and all, from apple.
> Bil Herd
>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Richard Atkinson [] 
> Sent:	Monday, March 20, 2000 9:55 PM
> To:	Bil Herd
> Subject:	Re: Calling Bil Herd
> Bil,
> Another topic that has recently cropped up on cbm-hackers is the Commodore
> CP/M cartridge. Can you remember any of the specifics of why the cartridge
> wouldn't work with later C64s, and maybe even what could be done to it to
> correct this? We're trying to find a hack so that CP/M cartridges can be
> made to run on all machines.
> Regards,
> Richard
> -
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