Re: 6809 emulator

From: MagerValp (
Date: 2000-06-12 11:06:02

>>>>> "AF" == Andre Fachat <> writes:

AF> Sorry for me being that late on the topic, but I lost some mails,
AF> only got the glimpse of the subject, so you can reply directly if
AF> you like.

AF> Did there come out anything more about the 6809 discussion besides
AF> that there is this usim-0.91.tar.gz 6809 emulator in C++? Some
AF> time ago I did some investigation (thinking about a SuperPET
AF> emulator) and this was the only thing I could find...

There's a FLEX emulator that's pretty good, and includes a full set of
development tools. There used to be a free version (I have it instal-
led on my Amiga) but I can't find any references too it now. The $25
version is at

    ___          .     .  .         .       . +  .         .      o   
  _|___|_   +   .  +     .     +         .   .  Per Olofsson, konstnär
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     -       +            +    .
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