Dear Terry, I'm forwarding your query to the cbm-hackers mailing list. Hopefully someone subscribing to the list has some information about the device. Marko ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1999 19:13:30 -0500 From: Terry Raymond <> To: Subject: printer interface Gday to you, I have a printer interface the name and model is: MICRO R&D MICROGRAFIX MW350 The problem is the serial wire that has the dinn connector, the end of this wire that goes into the interface has a red wire that came unsoldered this wire goes to I think pin#5 on the dinn connector end. I purchased this interface a few years back from Creative Micro Designs and I cant get any response from their email right now but I was wanting to know if you might have any schematics on this interface. If I have the schematic I know I can fix this minor problem. Thanks so much for your time and help, Terry Raymond - This message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing list. To unsubscribe: echo unsubscribe | mail
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