Hello! Today I hot hold of a Microchip development board populated with a midrange PIC. So I hooked it to the Commodore 900 keyboard port and played with it until I reverse-engineered the keyboard protocol. I am posting it here in case anyone else needs it :-) The kyeboard connector has the same pinout as Amiga 2000, except the pin that is "n.c." on the A2000 is the /RESET signal (which is needed - see below). The signals, however, are used differently than on the A2000. In fact, the keyboard interface is crudely constructed with a shift register piggybacked on an IO chip in the C900 as an afterthought - originally they constructed the computer without the keyboard at all (!) so the protocol is quite primitive. The keyboard clock is driven by the keyboard. The keyboard data is clocked on the negative edge of the clock. A start bit of 1 must be sent first, then 7 bits of the scancode, then a make (0) or break (1) bit. The scancodes are different than those from the Amiga. They are laid out sequentially following the layout of the keys, so 0x01 = Esc, 0x02 = 1, and so on. The break bit is significant for the Ctrl, Shift and Alt keys. For all the other keys, the break scancodes are ignored by the computer. There is no special make/break mechanism for Caps Lock as on the Amiga. So the computer and the keyboard must keep track of the Caps Lock state / LED separately. Perhaps the RESET line tells the keyboard that the computer has been reset so it can reset the LED (?). Most probably there is also no mechanism of transmission resynchronization if some bits are sent incorrectly, such as on the Amiga. Because each transmission must begin with a "1", the keyboard is free to transmit any number of "0" bits before the actual transmission as these will be dutifully ignored by the computer. So here it is - the Commodore 900 keyboard protocol. Now I can create the AT to C900 adapter :-) Regards, Michau. Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing listReceived on 2014-11-30 23:00:03
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