I have some notes I did some time ago on terminfo for the cbm2 series. One issue with the screen code in the kernal is that a 'line' can be multiple screen lines in size, affecting scroll, delete line, insert line, and text wrap around the right edge of the screen. Below I've included my notes, which includes the terminfo codes. Anyone's welcome to fix and use the info here. By the way, most of these codes should also work reasonably on the c128 80col screen handler iirc. cbm2 terminfo seq's http://personalpages.tds.net/~rcarlsen/cbm/cbm-ii/b128/USERS%20MANUAL/40&41.gif bw flag: left at BOL goes to EOpL co#80 li#25 eo flag: space clars char on overstrike erase eol \eQ erase bol \eP dl clear line \eD al insert line \eI cr move bol \eJ move eol \eK ; on last char, not after sf scrollup \eV ; scrolls window sr scrolldn \eW ; scrolls window im autoins on \eA ei autoins off \eC ic insert space shift-ins chr$(32) chr$(157) mr reverse vid me end rvs vid bl bell ^g vb vis bell \er\en setbotright \eB settopleft \eT reverse \eR normal \eN nd right ^] le left chr$(157) do down ^q up up chr$(145) ho home ^s ff clear chr$(147) cl clear all ^s^schr$(147) is initstring ^s^s^S\eC rs reset ^s^s^S\eC nw start of next \r BUGS: a 'line' can be two lines on the display. This affects insert, delete, scroll, next line key input. Note that the function keys will need programmed as they contain strings by default. k1 chr$(133) k2 chr$(137) k3 chr$(134) k4 chr$(138) k5 chr$(135) k6 chr$(139) k7 chr$(136) k8 chr$(140) k9 k10 kr right arrow ^] kl left arrow chr$(157) ku up arrow chr$(145) kd down arrow ^q kh home key ^s kb backspace ^t kc clear screen chr$(147) On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 2:41 AM, Marko Mäkelä <msmakela@gmail.com> wrote: > On Sun, Jan 04, 2015 at 01:09:48PM -0500, william degnan wrote: > >> I agree. mutt is really only useful in a modern terminal or VT100, not >> something like a CBM 256-80. Use mailx. >> > > One thing that was not mentioned yet is the termcap or terminfo. mutt > seems to be using ncurses, which in turn should support anything that > termcap or terminfo supports. On my system, ncurses seems to use terminfo. > Setting TERM=vt220 before invoking mutt looks different (black and white). > > I wonder if anyone developed a terminfo entry that would work with the > advanced editor features of the C128 or 264 series machines. (Sorry, I had > the CBM 720 for such a short time that I do not remember how advanced its > editor was). > > But, at the same time I guess that the Commodore control codes are doing > their best to be incompatible with the rest of the word. It starts from the > <home> and <cursor down> control codes that everyone else interprets as > XON/XOFF. > > > Marko > > Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing list > Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing listReceived on 2015-01-05 13:00:03
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