I've just started working on a c128 emulator and my first goal is to get the VIC version of Risen from Oblivion (Risen from Oblivion) working. I've been making good progress including getting the final frog screen showing graphics in the upper/lower border with the bottom picture having phase shifted colours but I've hit a roadblock with a couple of the earlier effects because I'm finding it challenging to get my hands on any detailed information on the exact timing of clock stretching for the c128. The best I have been able to find is the obvious information that PLA, processor, and VIC chip are involved with syncing the 2MHz clock with the 1MHz I/O chips. If anyone can point me in the right direction with more detailed information on the C128s implementation of clock stretching than what the C128 programmers reference guide and mapping the c128 offer, it will be much appreciated. :) You can download my emulator here to see the progress I have made. ==> http://www.z64k.com <http://www.z64k.com> -- View this message in context: http://cbm-hackers.2304266.n4.nabble.com/C128-Clock-Stretching-tp4662684.html Sent from the cbm-hackers mailing list archive at Nabble.com. Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing listReceived on 2017-03-06 23:00:02
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