Thanks very much. I've passed this on as I don't have the time to do it myself. We've got people who do this kind of thing for fun. On 26/05/2017 10:00, Bo Zimmerman wrote: > Thanks! > > They are here: > > > > For what it's worth, here is some advice based on my last 2-3 weeks of > struggling through the other roms: > > 1. The roms were not always read out at the proper size for the target > eprom, resulting in an image twice as big as it should be. I used a > little tool called FilePatternFinder * to detect this, and correct > this problem. I haven't run it against any of the amiga roms yet. > > 2. The filenames are SOMEWHAT helpful to identifying the rom, but > you'll want more. To give you some clues, I recommend comparing the > unknown roms to KNOWN roms from your other amiga rom image > collections. When an unknown rom is 100% identical to a known rom, > you win. When they are 98% similar, you might be looking at another > revision of a known rom. When they are 10-20% similar, well, at least > you know it was written for the same processor. To scan all the roms > against known ones, I used SimilarFileFinder*. This was immensely > helpful. > > 3. If #2 doesn't identify an image, then you might need to just > visually scan the rom for ASCII information. If it's a kickstart or > bios, you'll find information in there somewhere. However, many of the > roms are in even/odd format. To fix that problem, I used > FileDeInterleaver*. > > * all the above named tools can be downloaded here: > > > > Enjoy! > > - Bo > > > Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing list Message was sent through the cbm-hackers mailing listReceived on 2017-05-26 15:00:03
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