Disassembly of the DB card

From: Ruud_at_Baltissen.org
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2017 13:20:54 +0200
Message-ID: <59DDFE96.19153.3BF2204@Ruud.Baltissen.org>
Hallo allemaal,

Disassembling the 8032 ROMs surely paid off. But I also run into 
something weird:

A_9E78:					;				[9E78]
	jsr	P_9EAB			;				[9EAB]
	jsr	P_9EBB			;				[9EBB]
	jsr	CloseIoChannls		;				[FFCC]
	jsr	P_F1D9			;				[F1D9]
	jsr	bcCLOSE			;				[F2E0]

	lda	#$00
	sta	CassBuffer1+124

The disassembly of the 8032 shows:

$00F1D2                 A_F1D2:					
$00F1D2     2C 4D E8    	bit	ViaIFR	; interrupt for Timer 1
$00F1D5     70 84       	bvs	A_F15B	; yes, -> error
$00F1D7     2C 40 E8    	bit	ViaPortB	; DAV = (H)
$00F1DA     30 F6       	bmi	A_F1D2	; yes, -> wait
$00F1DC     AD 40 E8    	lda	ViaPortB
$00F1DF     29 FD       	and	#$FD

Clearly no F1D9. The opcode $E8 is TYA so a call to this address 
won't end up in oblivion.

For David:
Your listing shows:

9e78: L9e78               jsr S9eab
9e7b:                     jsr S9ebb
9e7e:                     jsr CLRCH
9e81:                     jsr UNLSTN?
9e84:                     jsr NCLOSE
9e87:                     lda #$00
9e89:                     sta $02f6

UNLSTN is $F1B9. Could you check your binary please and tell me what 
value is found at $9E82? 

Thank you!

Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet, Ruud Baltissen

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