Re: Software for MS-DOS 1.25

From: Michał Pleban <>
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2017 18:10:20 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Mia Magnusson wrote:

> A compromise could be to have a character set based on what's actually
> used in real life. Very few if any programs use for example the
> smileys, and block graphics might not need inverse mode, but it would
> be good to have inverse mode for atleast ascii code 32-127 and
> preferable a subset of national character (which each user should be
> able to select when generating a font eprom image with some "generate"
> utility).

I would definitely like to have a character set that at least has the
backlash character (used in MS-DOS as path separator), pipe and curly
brackets. These seem quite important to me.

> As Ruud already stated, a XT class machine can use 1.2MB drives if you
> provide appropriate driver (usually with a small extra rom). But that
> is just a limitation of the XT bios. DOS will happily use whatever it
> gets provided with.

But what does this driver actually do? How does it tell DOS "hey, now
you have a 1.2M drive instead of 360k"?

> True. Maybe a great mod would be to have a daughterboard that both
> moves the CBM ram and also adds more RAM? I don't know if it would be
> even possible to add ram so it would be visible for the CBM too 

No, because there are chips on the CBM-II mainboard which multiplex the
address bus between 6509 and 8088.

But creating an 8088-only RAM extension should be straightforward, if we
tap into the RAM extension connector _and_ the PLA which fortunately
should be socketed.

> But how does disk i/o work? I would have thought that the 8088 would be
> shut down completely giving memory access back to the 6509 while it
> does it's thing, and then starts up the 8088 again. 

That's exactly what happens.

> Or is it done
> sending one sector at a time via the 6526 interfaces while
> both CPU's running at the same time?

Only control bytes (sector number, buffer address) are sent via 6526,
the 6509 places the disk sector contents directly in the DRAM.

> Yeah, as I understand it there is 2k of ram for the 6509 on the 8088
> board, that's a bit tight to have any code not strictly neccesary.

But you also have existing 1k at $0400 which, as I understand, is used
for bootstrap code. If we move more bootstrap code to the 8088, we can
re-use this RAM.

> But I assume that writing a new BIOS on the 8088 side would also mean
> at least changing the 6509 code somehow. Then IRQ0 and IRQ7 can be used
> freely.

No, you don't have to change 6509 code if you don't want to provide new
IO functions to the 8088. The extension could theoretically work with
the 6509 code unmodified.


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