Re: CHRGET, how does it work?

From: didier derny <>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2017 11:47:35 +0200
Message-ID: <>
in fact they exist but  I dont where...

as far as I remember the charget increment the position itself

the charget follow the flow of token read by the basic

but during  if /  goto / gosub this position is changed from the basic rom

Le 26/10/2017 à 11:40, Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) a écrit :
> Hallo Anders,
>> ... which means it keeps modifying itself all the time?
>> ...
>> ... and you would want to look for a routine that modifies the ZP as the program is interpreted.
> And THAT is exactly what I am asking for, I don't seem to find it. I have been looking for routines that do something like "sta CHRGOT+1" and "sta CHRGOT+2" which would affect this $EA60 directly but no luck so far. Leaves a routine like "sta (variable),Y" which means to look for a routine that fills this variable with the address of CHRGOT+1 if Y is zero. But if Y isn't zero, ....
> Or something else is going on and I am missing that completely.
> Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards, Ruud Baltissen
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