Re: Ultimax mode VIC II access to external RAM?

Date: Thu, 03 May 2018 11:30:27 +0200
Message-ID: <15270763.t5vqvHooV3@rakete>
Am Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2018, 11:25:26 CEST schrieb Michał Pleban:
> Hello!
> Jim Brain wrote:
> >> Or do you mean attaching additional RAM in the unused address space, for
> >> example $1000-$2FFF (for which you must do your own address decoding)?
> >> Then I don't know exactly whot would happen, but my gut tells me that in
> >> the real Ultimax VIC would see this RAM, but in the C64 it might or
> >> might not (my bet is on "not").
> > 
> > This is the case I am wondering about.
> OK. I don't have a C64 laying around, but the easiest thing to do would
> be to plug MAX BASIC Ultimax cartridge, program the VIC from the BASIC
> to access this memory area, and use the logic analyzer to see what;'s on
> the bus. In the real Ultimax I am 99% sure the VIC will see it, but on
> the C64 it's not so certain.

or just use this program:


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<A. J. Leibling>
Received on 2018-05-03 12:00:22

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