Re: programming Atmel GALs (was: GAL running hot)

Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 09:36:40 +0200
Message-Id: <>
> On 2018-05-26, at 23:28, dave_m <> wrote:
> You should use the Atmel version of WinCupl to generate your PAL Design
> Specification file and output the JEDEC file.
> [...]
> Below is the link to the free Atmel WinCupl software.
> Microchip (ATMEL)
> <>  

I have a JEDEC file. It doesn't come from Cupl workflow but the way I understand things, this shouldn't matter at all. It's - kind of - like a binary payload for the [E(E)]PROM in the sense that it shouldn't really matter how I built it, should it?

> To program the 16V8 and 22V10
> they used to recommend the Wellon VP-290 which cost about $160 USD. The
> latest version may be the VP-299. The combination of the Atmel Wincupl and
> Wellon works well.

That might be a helpful hint! Do you have any docs/links where they recommend this one?

SD! -
Received on 2018-05-28 10:01:37

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