cbm-hackers mailing list
by thread
- Re: Hardware emulation of 6509 using 6502? Mia Magnusson (2018-07-19 21:17:35)
- Re: Hardware emulation of 6509 using 6502? Michał Pleban (2018-07-18 09:59:49)
- Re: Hardware emulation of 6509 using 6502? Mia Magnusson (2018-07-19 21:23:05)
- Re: Hardware emulation of 6509 using 6502? Michał Pleban (2018-07-20 17:32:28)
- Re: Hardware emulation of 6509 using 6502? Jim Brain (2018-07-28 08:06:08)
- Re: Datatronic SCIP bwack (2018-12-31 14:15:19)
- Re: Datatronic SCIP bwack77 (2019-01-05 23:24:38)
- Re: what program for disassemble? silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2018-08-23 15:30:35)
- Re: what program for disassemble? Michał Pleban (2018-03-31 20:12:04)
- Re: Commodore PLC TIB DD-001 / Drive 2001 LHS (2018-11-13 15:36:06)
- Re: Commodore PLC TIB DD-001 / Drive 2001 Spiro Trikaliotis (2018-04-15 19:49:29)
- Re: Commodore PLC TIB DD-001 / Drive 2001 Tomas Vondracek (2018-11-14 07:11:11)
- Re: Commodore PLC TIB DD-001 / Drive 2001 Ruud_at_Baltissen.org (2018-11-28 18:02:52)
- Re: GAL running hot silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2018-08-30 21:00:38)
- Re: kicad cmb library update silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2018-08-31 16:44:46)
- Re: 6500/1 ROM Archival Jim Brain (2018-07-30 06:41:40)
- Re: BASIC for the CBM-II/8088 Mia Magnusson (2018-07-20 00:05:09)
- Re: BASIC for the CBM-II/8088 smf (2018-07-10 20:00:58)
- Re: Commodore to S-Video or HDMI video? Terry Raymond (2018-07-19 19:48:02)
- RetroTink 2x (Re: Commodore to S-Video or HDMI video?) Per Olofsson (2018-08-12 08:52:45)
- Re: Old programmers (was: CBM-II Character Set and Colour Expansion) Christian Dirks (2018-07-20 11:32:01)
- Re: SuperCPU for my C64 and C128 Luis Rene Vela Garcia (2018-07-20 13:50:41)
- Re: SuperCPU for my C64 and C128 Mia Magnusson (2018-07-20 00:36:30)
- reading 360K MS-DOS disks in a 1571? Francesco Messineo (2018-07-24 14:54:37)
- (Fwd) Re: Hardware emulation of 6509 using 6502? Ruud_at_Baltissen.org (2018-07-24 15:55:17)
- Super CPU problem Terry Raymond (2018-07-24 19:18:19)
- my last Super CPU post typos Terry Raymond (2018-07-24 19:36:04)
- P500 with 8088 co-processor Bill Degnan (2018-07-24 19:41:28)
- Handic Software Multi-Switch Ville Laustela (2018-07-26 17:16:48)
- Adding flow control to CC65 up2400 driver. Thom Cherryhomes (2018-07-29 16:45:07)
- 2031LP 75161 wiring question Jim Brain (2018-08-04 07:11:37)
- 6510 -> 6502 from 64'er (?) silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2018-08-06 11:08:28)
- Commented 1541-II DOS disassembly silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2018-08-11 23:59:15)
- Unusual Amiga keyboard controller Gerrit Heitsch (2018-08-12 15:34:22)
- programmer for PLS100? Francesco Messineo (2018-08-29 14:13:42)
- NES emulator hack that might be interesting Justin (2018-08-30 19:54:15)
- Superscript file format Michał Pleban (2018-09-02 19:23:38)
- Plus/4 RS232 woes Bo Zimmerman (2018-09-03 08:49:19)
- Fwd: Re: Plus/4 RS232 woes Bo Zimmerman (2018-09-03 19:22:29)
- 1541 Ultimate filecopy silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2018-09-05 11:21:18)
- C64 cartridge port Terry Raymond (2018-09-07 03:20:35)
- ...thoughts on Retro-uC? Daniel O'Shea (2018-09-12 06:15:00)
- Error in 64doc.txt at Bo's site? Ruud_at_Baltissen.org (2018-09-19 15:26:24)
- Super_Monitor_3032_B000_Metz_1983.BIN vossi (2018-09-25 18:50:38)
- MS DOS Source Jim Brain (2018-09-29 04:23:45)
- 65C02 assembler / trace didier derny (2018-09-29 20:20:00)
- Strange Problem Amiga 2000 Gerrit Heitsch (2018-10-06 13:41:09)
- MOS 6509 Replacement Update Jim Brain (2018-10-08 05:44:56)
- keyboards contacts restoration silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2018-10-11 17:29:57)
- VICE - keypress on power-up silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2018-10-12 12:59:24)
- Prospeed71 silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2018-10-25 12:09:15)
- More sources for MS-DOS Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) (2018-10-26 09:55:44)
- Interesting C64/6526 case silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2018-10-26 14:48:24)
- verilog or VHDL Commands Terry Raymond (2018-10-26 16:36:09)
- spare MOS6540 :) Francesco Messineo (2018-11-04 08:56:23)
- Internal datasheets silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2018-11-05 18:30:03)
- Optical Mouse for Amiga Gerrit Heitsch (2018-11-08 19:43:05)
- incorrect C64 wikipedia page? Francesco Messineo (2018-11-09 10:05:10)
- Diskette formatting explained silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2018-11-14 16:23:28)
- off-topic: Need a "VC-20 Handbuch", or German VIC-20 user manual Rob Clarke (2018-11-18 01:02:22)
- 8296 Editor ROM documentation Steve Gray (2018-11-22 20:15:14)
- 6502, 6510 tri-state silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2018-11-30 00:48:17)
- shugart 390 PCB schematic Francesco Messineo (2018-12-08 20:11:24)
- C65 Classroom Computer Steve Gray (2018-12-13 02:38:22)
- 6502 fun Justin (2018-12-16 18:34:32)
- 6502 fun Mike Stein (2018-12-17 06:11:41)
- Helmond tomorrow Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) (2018-12-21 06:55:21)
- did anyone actually try this MPS6550? Francesco Messineo (2018-12-29 17:17:19)
- FPGA Altera Terry Raymond (2018-12-29 20:03:25)
- HDL Command line Terry Raymond (2018-12-29 20:16:55)
- WordCheck app, circa 1980 saipan59 (2019-01-03 17:25:42)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 Bill Degnan (2019-01-03 18:26:42)
- RE: WordCheck app, circa 1980 Jeffrey Birt (2019-01-04 00:42:46)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 Clockmeister (2019-01-04 08:04:12)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 saipan59 (2019-01-04 17:21:53)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 Niklas Ramsberg (2019-01-04 17:34:25)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 saipan59 (2019-01-04 19:33:58)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 saipan59 (2019-01-04 21:36:27)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 Bill Degnan (2019-01-05 01:21:16)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 saipan59 (2019-01-05 03:28:34)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 saipan59 (2019-01-05 21:34:05)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 Rhialto (2019-01-05 22:15:33)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 saipan59 (2019-01-06 06:19:58)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 smf (2019-01-06 12:38:20)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 Chris Wareham (2019-01-08 20:46:34)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 saipan59 (2019-01-08 21:43:37)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 Bill Degnan (2019-01-08 22:59:28)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 William Levak (2019-01-09 07:47:44)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 Mike Stein (2019-01-09 08:23:13)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 Bill Degnan (2019-01-09 12:22:17)
- Re: WordCheck app, circa 1980 William Levak (2019-01-09 22:39:26)
- Interrupts and loading from disk Jeff Birt (2019-01-03 18:03:59)
- RF512C disk drive Francesco Messineo (2019-01-05 18:46:06)
- VIC 20 without audio tone fabry891 (2019-01-05 23:10:44)
- 8280 Jumper Settings Rob Clarke (2019-01-09 00:13:35)
- 6522 bug Francesco Messineo (2019-01-10 09:07:45)
- Easy way to use contemporary machine as fileserver for C64 silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2019-01-11 22:14:56)
- Mailing list archives Jesus Cea (2019-01-12 23:44:26)
- JoyLoader Nejat Dilek (2019-01-16 00:13:16)
- B-128 Available (ships from US) Bill Degnan (2019-01-26 15:38:28)
- CBM2 v9958 Hires-Color Graphics Card vossi (2019-01-31 09:24:32)
- Eth on 1541 Ultimate-II (not II+) silverdr_at_wfmh.org.pl (2019-02-07 14:08:12)