Re: Difference between R65C02 and original 6502 (wrt 6509 emulation)

From: Jim Brain <>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2019 11:28:43 -0500
Message-ID: <>
On 4/15/2019 10:32 AM, Mia Magnusson wrote:
> Den Sun, 14 Apr 2019 21:43:28 -0500 skrev Jim Brain <>:
>> Thanks Michał for the testing.
>> I have updated the github repository with the v4 code here:
> Cool, nice work!
>>    * I have also added support for the 65C816S in native mode, in which
>>      the bank register is driven directly by the 'C816. Placing the CPU
>>      into native mode will also switch into this mode, which means care
>>      must be practiced to set up the '816 bank to match the current
>> 6509 'Execution Bank' before switching into this mode.  Location $0
>> and $1 will still be visible while in native mode in the current HDL.
> Something that Michal and you might want conteplate: Would there be any
> benefit for the new 8088 support software if it were possible to hide
> the $0/$1 registers in '816 native mode?

I apologize.  I misread my code last night, and the behavior you note is 
indeed in place:

always _at_(*)

    if(oe_bank & !flag_ext & !flag_full) // accessing bank register 
lower 4 bits and we're not in '816 mode
       data_6502_out = {4'b0000, data_bank[3:0]};
    else if(oe_bank & !flag_ext & flag_full) // accessing bank register 
8 bits and we're not in '816 mode
       data_6502_out = data_bank;
    else if(r_w & _rdy & phi2_6509) // read data from bus and ready is 
high and phi2 is high
       data_6502_out = data_6509;
    else // there is no option to read bank register in 816 mode.
       data_6502_out = 8'bz;

However, I did not hide the writes to the $0/$1 registers.  I assume 
writing to those registers should also be prevented, but that means that 
one must remember what bank one was in before one went into '816 mode.

Jim Brain
Received on 2020-05-29 21:34:35

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