Re: branch computation

Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2019 22:13:04 +0200
Message-ID: <>
thanks, it works perfectly

On 13/10/2019 16:08, Marko Mäkelä wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 13, 2019 at 03:28:04PM +0200, wrote:
>> I'm writing a mini assembler.. my last step is to compute de offset 
>> after a relative branch
>> if it's easy to do in C, I don't find the right logic in 6502 assembler
>> any idea on the shortest code to compute that ?
>> I have the address  of the opcode and the target address
> Branch instructions are 2 bytes on the 6502, and the address is 
> relative to the address of the following instruction. The offset is 
> stored in the 1 byte that follows the branch instruction opcode. The 
> branch target address can be between -128 and +127 bytes from the 
> start of the following instruction.
> Assuming that the "current address" is that of the following 
> instruction (which is executed when no branch is taken) and the 
> "target address", the branch offset is co of the target, the branch 
> would be computed by simple subtraction: target_address-current_address.
> You would want to subtract 16-bit numbers and obtain a signed 8-bit 
> result, and you should also catch overflow.
> I would start with something like this:
> sec
> lda target
> sbc current
> tax
> lda target+1
> sbc current+1
> bmi branch_backwards
> ; the forward branch range may be 0..$7f
> bne out_of_range
> txa
> bpl branch_ok
> ; fall through
> out_of_range:
> ...
> branch_backwards:
> ; the backward range may be $ff80..$ffff (-128..-1)
> eor #$ff
> bne out_of_range
> txa
> bpl out_of_range
> branch_ok:
> ; the 8-bit branch offset is in the A and X registers
> Disclaimer: I did not test this, and I have not done any 6502 coding 
> for a couple of years.
> I hope that this helps.
> Side note: Has anyone tested whether the relative branch instructions 
> can wrap around from $ffxx to $00yy or vice versa? I see no reason why 
> they would not, but I never came around to testing it myself.
>     Marko
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