Re: Fwd: Hey guys, Im trying to follow the chain from 1581 super side sector to a record. Can someone help me understand the calculation involved?

From: Jim Brain <>
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2019 19:08:13 -0600
Message-ID: <>
On 12/4/2019 6:08 PM, Julian Perry wrote:
> Re: Fwd: Hey guys, Im trying to follow the chain from 1581 super side 
> sector to a record. Can someone help me understand the calculation 
> involved? If it's anything like the 1540/8050/8250 behaviour, your 
> best bet is to read up on Inside Commodore DOS, by Immers and  Neufield.

It's not very much like the smaller drives.  The 8050/8250 might be 
similar, not sure.

But, definitely not the 1541/204/3040/4040/2031.

The 1581 uses "super side sectors", explained here:
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