Re: Kicad

From: Hans Petter D. <>
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 2020 11:27:15 +0100
Message-ID: <>
Den 23.01.2020 16:39, skrev Ethan Dicks:
> On Thu, Jan 23, 2020 at 3:51 AM Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud)
> <> wrote:
>> About two years (?) ago I opened a discussion about using Eagle or Kicad. I was thinking about switching to Kicad...
>> During that discussion I was able to lay may hands on Eagle 7.70 and that ended the discussion from my side.
> Hi, Ruud,
> What a timely message.  I too looked at KiCAD a few years ago and
> decided it wasn't up to the task (yet), but I was just setting up a
> new-to-me Linux laptop and discovered that the license for new
> versions of EagleCAD require a subscription and the old versions that
> do not (i.e. 7.70 and older) are not new enough to run on recent
> versions of Linux (not sufficiently backwards-compatible with
> up-to-date system libraries).
> So I just started using KiCAD this week.
> Vintage but not directly Commodore related, it's the "Simon" schematic
> from Ciarcia's Circuit Cellar, Byte magazine, Apr 1979, pp 10-18.  I
> want to re-implement what I did in 1979 that I attached to a PET and
> bring that to the Vintage Computer Fest East this April because the
> theme is the 6502.

Hi Ethan. I did a replica of the KU-14194HB motherboard with my main 
motivation to create a schematic for it. The schematic was to my 
knowledge non-existant. My design was based upon the 250407 schematics 
and I made it to look the same is it. I had to draw most symbols from 
scratch to make them look like Commodore's symbols. You can pull off 
symbols from my design if you like and put them in a library. Not PET 

The layout was done in SprintLayout and imported to KiCad, and editted 
manually to get the correct holes. The holes were then replaced with 
footprints that I made myself, again because it is a replica. 
Unfortunately the silkscreen is not in the footprints, since they came 
from the import of sprintlayout to kicad, I decided to just make 
footprints with holes. Sooo much easire for me. I've been thinking of 
bringing the silk screen artwork into the footprints though, but that is 
for another time.

Ps. the replica is working and has been built by several people already.

Hans <-- where my designs are.
Received on 2020-05-30 00:27:12

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