Re: "easy" 6510 question

Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2020 23:36:58 +0100
Message-ID: <4164521.niJfEyVGOH_at_rakete>
Am Freitag, 7. Februar 2020, 22:15:29 CET schrieb Spiro Trikaliotis:
> Hello,
> just my 2 cents worth of guesswork:
> * On Fri, Feb 07, 2020 at 09:20:29PM +0100 wrote:
> > Mapping says about D6510 ($00):
> >
> > On power-up, this register is
> > set to 239 ($EF), which indicates that all bits, except for Bit 4
> > (which senses the cassette switch), are set up for Output.
> As $EF only has bit 7 unset, this sentence does not make sense. ;)
> The KERNAL initializes the DDR to $E7 and the Data register to $2F.
> On RESET, I expect the CPU to make sure that the DDR has all (available)
> IO as inputs. This way, the C64 ensures that the "hard-coded" memory
> configuration is active on power up. And that's the only "defensive" way
> to ensure that there are not two sources (CPU and external device)
> driving a data port.
> So, all "connected" I/O port bits should be input. For the non-existing
> ones, I do not know.
> The Data register is not important here, and I would not wonder if it
> would either be uninitialized on RESET, or if it would get exactly
> what was received as input on RESET.
> For the used bits of the DDR, I am sure - especially since regardless
> what you store into $00 and $01, a hard reset "re-animates" the C64, and
> because this is the only way this can be done without the risk of two
> devices driving a line.

"DDR and DATA are both initialized to 0 on powerup/reset. on the C64 pullup
resistors are installed on bits 0,1,2,4 which gives the inital standard memory



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ich lieber alt.
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