Re: "Commodore" brand

Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2020 16:16:24 +0100
Message-ID: <2046116.hkbZ0PkbqX_at_rakete>
Am Dienstag, 3. März 2020, 11:35:22 CET schrieb smf:
> On 02/03/2020 22:08, wrote:
> > in reality, commodore itself stated its OK for emulator authors to use the
> > rom binaries way back when miha published C64S.
> Did you get that signed in writing? Does it say how any transfer of the
> IP would affect the agreement?
> >   and its actually exactly how
> > 
> > cloanto handles the situation these days - eg jens licensed and paid for
> > the C64R, but he did NOT license or pay for the chameleon because they
> > told him it is not required.
> Did Jens explicitly ask whether the license would not be required if the
> chameleon was used in stand alone mode?
> Because what you're saying doesn't tie up with what they say.
> <>

they say a lot. and yes.


The Christian religion not only was at first attended with miracles, but even 
at this day cannot be believed by any reasonable person without one. 
<David Hume>
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