
From: Gustavo Saracca (gustavo_at_vet.unicen.edu.ar)
Date: 2000-09-11 13:44:37


	Yesterday I read a Commodore computer launch for the year
'82, (in a old magazine of course), and the magazine write about
5 (five) computers; C64, MAX, P128, B128 and the BX256 a 16bits
computers, can anyone tell me about it?

	FCV - Tandil - Argentina

| Tel:    +54 2293 42-2357 int. 114        | Fac. Cs. Veterinarias |
| Fax:    +54 2293 42-6667                 | U.N.C.P.B.A.          |
| e-mail: mailto:gustavo@vet.unicen.edu.ar | Tandil, Buenos Aires  |
| ICQ:    47405575                         | Argentina             |
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