Re: CBM-II/B series questions

From: William Levak (
Date: 2001-01-06 05:15:54

On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, Andre Fachat wrote:

> > How about if you poke a new load address into 2D & 2E, bank 15 (start of
> > Basic), do a NEW and CLR, and then load the program?  This should load at
> > the new address.  The question is then;  will Basic see it?
> > Suggested new load address: 1025, the same as the PET.
> This works, i.e. I find a copy of the program at $0401 and BASIC sees
> it.

OK, if I have this right, the CBM-II will load a Basic program from any
other Commodore computer (different load address), but saves with a load
address of 0003.  This would make it unusable by the PET, unless you
change the start of Basic, and load the program at 1025.  Have I got this

> > This is very confusing!  In "The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology"
> > it says Basic programs are located at 2-61439, bank 1.  This would make
> > 61437 free.  Arrays are at 2-65535, bank 2.  Variables are at 32768-65535,
> > bank 3.  Strings are at 2-64511, bank 4.  This is obviously for the 256K
> > machine, assuming bank 3 and 15 are actually the same, otherwise it would
> > take 320K. Are all the arrays, variables, and strings in bank 3 on the
> > 128K machine?
> All arrays, variables and strings are supposed to be in bank 2.

I did some tests on other Commodore computers, and the FRE function gives
a number that is a little less than the amount actually available.

Bank 2 has 65534 bytes available according to the "Anthology", and a total
of 162812 bytes in banks 2, 3, and 4.

I just realized that the question about characters 96-127 was ambiguous.
What I meant was;  if you print the characters 96-127 to the screen, are
they the same as if you print the characters 32-63?

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