Re: plus/4 informations

From: William Levak (
Date: 2001-02-17 05:26:33

On Fri, 16 Feb 2001, Daniele Gratteri wrote:

> > 1.5 A, fast acting
> What does "fast acting" mean? Perhaps that, if there is a problem, the fuse
> will blow very rapidly?

It means that the fuse blows almost immediately, that is, not absorb a surge
without blowing (slow blow).  Fast acting fuses are usually a single
strand of wire, while a "slow blow" usually contains a small coil to
absorb a surge.  There are actually specifications for exactly how
much time various types of fuses take to blow.

Since the Plus/4 actually uses less than 1 A, you definitely want it to
blow immediately if the current reaches 1.5 A.

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