Re: "Commodore" brand

From: <>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 14:27:51 -0800 (PST)
Message-ID: <>
Is there scanned copies of a written (and if possible... signed) document from Commodore. In addition, the original Commodore corporation is defunct as you know and this doesn't mean the allowance from Commodore back in 1991-1993 is still applicable as new owners are not bound to abide by such as it is not a contractual matter. Current agreements with current owner of the IP or a signed written licensing agreement such as a royalty-based or royalty-free licensing agreement would need to be established by a prior owner where the new owner would be legally obligated.

VICE Team should always try to tread carefully with such legal matters.

> On March 2, 2020 2:08 PM wrote:
> Am Montag, 2. März 2020, 22:57:25 CET schrieb smf:
> > On 02/03/2020 21:50, wrote:
> > >> And yet they still distribute the roms along with Vice.
> > > 
> > > and why not. back to first post =)
> > 
> > Because the Vice team is not aware of copyright matters.
> > 
> > Like a thief who keeps breaking into peoples houses because he hasn't
> > been caught yet.
> of course.
> in reality, commodore itself stated its OK for emulator authors to use the rom 
> binaries way back when miha published C64S. and its actually exactly how 
> cloanto handles the situation these days - eg jens licensed and paid for the 
> C64R, but he did NOT license or pay for the chameleon because they told him it 
> is not required.
> -- 
> Atheism is a nonprophet organization. 
> <Steve Wright>
Received on 2020-05-30 01:18:36

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