Re: GEOS 128 processor and SD card solution

From: Terry Raymond <>
Date: Tue, 3 Mar 2020 22:15:38 -0700
Message-ID: <>
yes there was a bounty for the UIEC to SD if I remember correctly this was
a theory
Ingo Korb  helped Jim Brain with UIEC and
Werner Weicht came up with a binary file you put that on the parent
directory then use the
M-R Dos command then CD into the GEOS directory or image file then simply
load and run GEOS
and it will boot.  Wheels uses the same binary file but you have to make a
large *empty* DNP image file
File Master app can create the DNP.  you put the DNP into a directory if
you wish.
you put the binary file in the parent directory, issue the M-R command CD
into the empty DNP image,
if you have Jiffy Dos this is easier just use Control-D to the disk etc you
usually boot Wheels from.
Boot Wheels normally, when the desktop comes up you should see a fake CMD
HD icon on the Desktop
if not you didnt get CD'd into the image file then try again.  So if you
see the CMD HD icon youre okay,
so now go into the Toolbox (Wheels disk drive configure). Just make sure
the second fake CMD HD drive is setup and save it.
Now go into the Installer to Install Wheels right into the *Empty DNP
image* once installed exit Wheels.
From there you can then boot Wheels64 or Wheels128 right from the UIEC.

Theres also a nice Facebook page devoted to: GEOS, Wheels and Megapatch i
think theres a pass around issue of
Wheels *possibly* on this page, I may be wrong too.

I know this to be true because when Ingo and Werner discovered this theory
I tried it on Both GEOS 2.0
and it took two tries with Wheels but it does work.

BTW no GEOS or Wheels code was even altered Werner and Ingo figured out I
think it has to do with how GEOS and Wheels
gets its disk access to boot. On the UIEC it didnt and just locked up
without the binary file.

-Terry Raymond

On Sun, Mar 1, 2020 at 1:27 AM smf <> wrote:

> I always assumed apps for GEOS 64 would run on GEOS 128 as well....
> But the z80 in the c128 doesn't run very fast anyway, so you wouldn't
> gain much by using it.
> On 01/03/2020 03:13,
> wrote:
> > 8502... It would be easier for Berkley Softworks to port from the C64
> > to C-128 using the 8502 than it would be for going to Z80. In fact,
> > that is why there was Super CPU support in both C64 and 128 version of
> > GEOS if I remembered correctly. Changing to the z80 would have been
> > more difficult with regards to different Instruction set architecture.
Received on 2020-03-04 06:15:38

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