Hallo allemaal, Michał inspired me finally to design and produce my first PCB. I first created a board of my Debugger for the PC but decided to start with its parent, the Debugger for the 6502, http://baltissen.org/newhtm/debugger.htm , for sheer practical reasons. But I upgraded it a bit: I simply cannot find the 74LS76A anymore so I decided to use the circuit at the bottom of page, using a 74LS74. That meant four 14-pins ICs. But I have no idea how to program a D-flipflop in a GAL and that’s why I ended up with a GAL and the 74LS74. I’m quite sure I once found that information, stored it, but have no idea where ☹ Therefore my question. If possible, for CUPL for DOS or WinCUPL. FYI: - I cannot use the CLK input of the GAL because the CLK of the second FF depends on the Q-output of the first one. - The clock HAS to be edge triggered. (otherwise I could use http://forum.6502.org/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=3255) - I don’t need the Preset and Clear input. This card has a bus meant for the various Elektor computers. But that makes it unusable for any other 65xx computer. For the C64/128 I hand-soldered an interface card that you stuck in the expansion port and for the various 6502 machines a little card that was placed between the 6502 and the motherboard. This 6502 card is nearly finished. Here I faced the problem that, creating a two layer board, I wasn’t able to connect all the address lines of the CPU with the interface connector in a neat way. So, thanks to Michał’s advice, I decided to lead two wires between two pins of the 6502 and that seems to work out fine! I hope to hear from you. With kind regards / met vriendelijke groet, Ruud Baltissen http://www.baltissen.org<http://www.baltissen.org/> De informatie in dit e-mailbericht is vertrouwelijk en uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Wanneer u dit bericht per abuis ontvangt, verzoeken wij u contact op te nemen met de afzender per kerende e-mail. Verder verzoeken wij u in dat geval dit e-mailbericht te vernietigen en de inhoud ervan aan niemand openbaar te maken. Wij aanvaarden geen aansprakelijkheid voor onjuiste, onvolledige dan wel ontijdige overbrenging van de inhoud van een verzonden e-mailbericht, noch voor daarbij overgebrachte virussen. APG Groep N.V. is gevestigd te Heerlen en is ingeschreven in het handelsregister van de Kamer van Koophandel Limburg onder nummer 14099617 The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be privileged. It may be read, copied and used only by the intended recipient. If you have received it in error, please contact the sender immediately by return e-mail; please delete in this case the e-mail and do not disclose its contents to any person. We don't accept liability for any errors, omissions, delays of receipt or viruses in the contents of this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. APG Groep N.V. is registered in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce Limburg, The Netherlands, registration number: 14099617Received on 2020-06-19 09:00:03
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