Re: identifying an unknown eprom content

Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2020 21:40:50 +0200
Message-ID: <>
his rom without copyright may come not from a commodore product but from 
an add-on
for commodore for example:  serial port connected to IEEE 488
I think the machine is very simple
- a 6502
- a ram memory chip  (size  unknown  probably 2k or 4k)
- a 1st device (I suppose a PIA in $4000)               (perhaps for an 
- a 2nd device (I suppose a Z80SIO in $8000)       (the serial port)
- a rom with the firmware  (2764  ???)

I'll have to explore the code using $4000 and $8000 to confirm that we 
really have a pia and a z80sio

On 27/08/2020 18:45, Martin Hoffmann-Vetter wrote:
> Hello,
>> The bytes at $e000 & $e001 are used as data, but also the irq/brk
>> vector points to $e000 so any irq or brk will go into an infinite
>> loop.
> No, $e000 ist only used as defaut value for $0059 and $e001 as defaut value for $006a.
> All hardware vectors (reset, irq and nmi) points to $e002.
>> Reset or nmi will start execution at $e002.
> There is a brk at $e864 that is called as error after timeout. So the reset routine is called via irq routine.
> I think this is an eprom for a single mpu system with small address decoding: $0000-$3fff for ram, $4000-$7fff for io1, $8000-$bf00 for io2 and $c000-$ffff for rom. Only first four bytes are used for io1 and io2.
>>> I have 2 eproms labeled: pc-central-26-4.bin (8k) and
>>> boot-poste-3.bin (4) the boot-post-3.bin contains the good
>>> content... [the copyright is present]
>> Are the two roms related? It might help to have them both
> Yes, that's a very good idea. Is it possible to post the other rom, too?
> Regards
> Martin
Received on 2020-08-28 22:00:03

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