Re: FPGATED prototype

From: Istvan Hegedus <>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2021 16:42:18 +0100
Message-ID: <>
> The NTSC crystal is 14.318 MHz. That's a VERY common crystal. Check your
> junk pile for old boards, many PLL ICs on PC mainboards and cards use
> this crystal for their base clock.
>   Gerrit
> Thanks Gerrit. I have recently cleaned my electronic junks and just left
some old Cisco stuff. I don't have old PCs left. I can buy the crystal from
local shop but that is a very small one. The one that I have ordered is the
same size.
Anyway I believe the most difficult part is to get an NTSC display...
Received on 2021-01-15 17:00:03

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