Re: Request for opinionated opinion

From: André Fachat <>
Date: Fri, 07 May 2021 06:50:56 +0200
Message-ID: <>
Am 7. Mai 2021 01:25:58 schrieb Jim Brain <>:

> I think the issue is the other parts of the UI.
> Except for the quote chars, the rest of it looks just like a C64 file
> browser, and so... When in Rome, etc.
> My point is, if you're wanting to ditch the quotes, revamp the browser
> UI look and feel and use.
> Ditch the DIR/PRG/ETC stuff for something else, an icon on the left
> side, or a / in front of the dir name, or after.  Does it matter to the
> browser if the file is a SEQ, USR, PRG file? If not, don't show.
> Drive 8/9/10 :-)  Ditch and come up with a better idiom.
> I know some people will say: "Well, now, there's special cases so you
> can't do some of those things, but I'd say you should try.  If you're
> ditching the quotes, rethink the UI to be less traditional CBM-specific.
> Or, if you're going to be bog standard, keep in the quotes.
> Commit to one direction or another.

Very well said!


> --
> Jim Brain
Received on 2021-05-07 07:00:02

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