conversion of cbm8032 video signal to vga or hdmi

Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2021 10:07:49 +0100
Message-ID: <>
I'm on a project to convert the signal from video connnector of a cbm 
8032 into a vga or hdmi signal

the idea is to use a fpga   MAX10 or ICE40UP5k to grab the commodore 
video signal and convert it into a vga or hdmi
actually I'm producing the vga signal and I'm trying to grab the cbm signal

I'm looking for these informations...
the pixel clock
the total count of pixels clock on a line
the count of visible pixels on a line
the width of the horizontal synchro (in pixel clocks)
the count of pixel clocks in the horizontal front portch
the count of pixel clocks in the horizontal back portch
the horizontal synchro polarity

the total count of lines in the screen
the count of visible lines
the width of the vertical synchro
the count of lines in the vertical front portch
the count of lines  in the vertical back portch
the vertical synchro polarity

to do this conversion I use an internal ram in the fpga for a 640x200 
pixels screen
the conversion to hdmi is done with a PMOD to HDMI adapter using a texas 

the idea is to be compatible with all the cbm and cbm II
I'm developping on a DE10-Lite board but I'll move the final version to 
a icebreaker board + pmod to hdmi adapter

I checked serveral sources from zimmers and Steve's data form the CRTC
but till know it's not so clear...
if you have any idea ?

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