Let's say that someone patches an emulator or fpga'ed 65xx cpu and exposes its internal registers. That would be 56 bits exposed in some form. In a virtual Commodore 64, let's put them mapped to $0334-$0339 -- Please I'm theorizing, so let's leave questions like "breaking compatibility with existing software" out of the question. $0334 PCL $0335 PCH $0335 S $0336 P $0337 A $0338 X $0339 Y Would it be anything that would make hardware designs to be 'better', 'more efficient', 'faster'... in the case that the registers would be available physically? -- and 56 pins are a lot of chip pins... maybe not all the registers would be neccesary to be exposed. And what about coding? Some of the registers are only accessible by sort of hacks and workarounds like PC, that has to be read by forcing it to be pushed to the stack and then read from there, thus modifying it. Would having them mapped into memory addresses be of benefit?Received on 2022-06-22 14:00:02
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