cbm-hackers mailing list
by thread
- Re: Test suite for 6509 processor Rhialto (2023-05-16 21:27:31)
- Re: Test suite for 6509 processor groepaz_at_gmx.net (2018-02-28 13:41:19)
- Re: Modern, but fully compatible 6502? [and testing suite] Ed Spittles (2022-09-05 17:51:51)
- Re: Modern, but fully compatible 6502? laughton_at_cyg.net (2022-09-04 20:32:15)
- Re: Modern, but fully compatible 6502? smf (2022-09-05 11:32:51)
- Re: Modern, but fully compatible 6502? Rainer Buchty (2022-09-05 14:51:20)
- Re: Modern, but fully compatible 6502? ruud_at_baltissen.org (2022-09-05 12:18:49)
- Re: Discussion: The need of a 65xx HAL tokafondo (2022-09-05 12:19:19)
- Re: Discussion: The need of a 65xx HAL Michal Pleban (2022-09-07 21:32:18)
- I need help to identify an C64 interface device Richard Lagendijk (2022-09-21 10:38:23)
- Floating point: sine, cosine etc. ruud_at_baltissen.org (2022-09-23 21:01:21)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Michal Pleban (2022-09-23 21:48:17)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Michal Pleban (2022-09-24 13:35:53)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. ruud_at_baltissen.org (2022-09-28 20:21:16)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Michal Pleban (2022-09-29 20:20:43)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. David Roberts (2022-09-29 21:28:44)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Michal Pleban (2022-09-30 13:04:16)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. David Roberts (2022-09-30 16:24:48)
- RE: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) (2022-09-30 06:47:04)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. David Roberts (2022-09-30 11:55:35)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Jesus Cea (2022-10-13 03:51:12)
- RE: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) (2022-10-13 07:18:05)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. gsteemso (2022-10-13 14:39:58)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. ruud_at_baltissen.org (2022-10-13 16:25:32)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Michal Pleban (2022-10-13 17:10:14)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. ruud_at_baltissen.org (2022-10-13 18:51:30)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Chris (2022-10-13 19:36:37)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Jesus Cea (2022-10-13 19:50:18)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. gsteemso (2022-10-15 18:43:28)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Jesus Cea (2022-10-13 19:44:54)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. ruud_at_baltissen.org (2022-10-17 11:31:30)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Craig Taylor (2022-10-17 13:35:14)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. ruud_at_baltissen.org (2022-10-17 17:15:49)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Jesus Cea (2022-10-18 22:16:20)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Craig Taylor (2022-10-19 14:16:30)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. Rhialto (2022-09-24 14:10:37)
- Re: Floating point: sine, cosine etc. ruud_at_baltissen.org (2022-09-24 15:09:54)
- "Partner 128" by Timeworks Inc. groepaz_at_gmx.net (2022-09-26 16:17:55)
- SuperPET 6702 IC ruud_at_baltissen.org (2022-10-22 15:30:03)
- Re: PET 4016 large display uses "small display" area only Rhialto (2022-11-04 20:57:08)
- XGECU Pro Eprom programmer Terry Raymond (2022-11-25 22:07:08)
- cbm 8032 tests didier_at_aida.org (2022-12-08 13:44:25)
- Handic VIC Switch Richard Lagendijk (2022-12-11 16:07:45)
- strange cursor... any idea ? didier_at_aida.org (2022-12-15 16:28:26)
- Questions about the 8563 / 8568 Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) (2022-12-16 10:01:15)
- 8250 disk drive "exerciser" Francesco Messineo (2022-12-23 19:13:21)
- SuperPET 6809 software - porting to other platforms Micah Bly (2023-01-03 19:39:43)
- CBM 8250LP update (hints welcome) Francesco Messineo (2023-01-06 22:06:42)
- 1581 JiffyDOS Versions Rob Clarke (2023-01-10 01:47:54)
- [Talk:] Reconfigurable Computer tokafondo_at_tokafondo.name (2023-01-10 18:01:10)
- Programming problem: missing cursor. Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) (2023-01-11 10:18:40)
- How does NTSC VIC-II produce 65 cycles per line Michiel Boland (2023-01-12 13:21:58)
- MOS process details? Nate Lawson (2023-01-12 19:44:00)
- CBM2 Keyboard test program? groepaz_at_gmx.net (2023-02-10 13:30:40)
- RND function on B series vs C64/C128 Micah Bly (2023-02-19 16:39:11)
- 8565R2 netlist Michiel Boland (2023-02-28 17:58:58)
- Square DINs silverdr_at_srebrnysen.com (2023-03-09 13:02:02)
- Static PET video timing? afachat_at_gmx.de (2023-03-28 22:49:02)
- Need help debugging IEC timing on #FujiNet Thom Cherryhomes (2023-04-04 17:40:59)
- How (does?) SuperCPU 64 control CPU port? Maciej Witkowiak (2023-04-23 10:32:44)
- SRQ on the TED? Thom Cherryhomes (2023-05-01 15:36:58)
- PET 8296-SK Keyboard Wanted (alternately 8000-series) Alexander Jacocks (2023-05-03 14:43:44)
- Via Via Bo Zimmerman (2023-05-03 23:22:31)
- mega65 Terry Raymond (2023-05-08 03:14:42)
- Perf Board Terry Raymond (2023-05-09 16:15:37)
- The pain of BASIC GET# Thom Cherryhomes (2023-05-11 19:41:26)
- 6509 questions Rhialto (2023-05-16 20:17:09)
- A MicroPET for FujiNet development? Thom Cherryhomes (2023-05-18 01:17:40)
- Commodore FujiNet needs help Thom Cherryhomes (2023-05-20 04:29:46)
- CBM-II User Connector pinout groepaz_at_gmx.net (2023-05-22 15:02:46)
- SEQ file/PRINT# default line terminator CRLF in VICE? Ethan Dicks (2023-06-11 21:28:29)
- Single wipe sockets Terry Raymond (2023-07-08 20:16:59)
- Educator 64 video board schematics wanted Santo Nucifora (2023-07-12 15:36:53)
- C64 keyboards (frames) silverdr_at_srebrnysen.com (2023-07-16 20:52:11)
- Booting another OS than CP/M on a C128 Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) (2023-07-21 12:10:42)
- looking for CPU Terry Raymond (2023-08-10 19:40:10)
- Die shots Gerrit Heitsch (2023-08-10 20:32:23)
- New firmware for PLC TIB DD-001 3.5" drive Maciej Witkowiak (2023-08-15 16:49:41)
- Reverse engineering project from DARPA Justin (2023-08-21 19:20:04)
- MOS 8500 CPU for C64C Terry Raymond (2023-08-30 00:54:31)
- I know what CPU's work Terry Raymond (2023-08-31 02:43:21)
- Is this thing still on? Peter Krefting (2023-10-01 10:31:04)
- For the Swedish members ruud_at_baltissen.org (2023-10-12 20:09:44)
- 8502 vs 6510 undoc. opcodes silverdr_at_srebrnysen.com (2023-10-12 20:42:16)
- How-to predict pending dummy read of 6502 CPU? Frank Wolf (2023-10-13 12:30:16)
- 1571 burst mode read & multiple sectors Michiel Boland (2023-10-15 21:05:37)
- easyflash didier_at_aida.org (2023-10-16 13:00:25)
- c64 breadbin vs c64c didier_at_aida.org (2023-10-16 13:06:53)
- CRTC timing for VSYNC, 4032 vs 8032 Rhialto (2023-10-16 20:25:29)
- mos 6551 / w65c51 didier_at_aida.org (2023-10-18 13:45:19)
- Still struggling with a 6551 (rockwell) didier_at_aida.org (2023-10-27 13:45:38)
- w65c816 bugs didier_at_aida.org (2023-10-30 14:16:21)
- Reproducing the 6522 shift register bug Dave McMurtrie (2023-12-24 00:00:54)
- Reproducing the 6522 shift register bug Dave McMurtrie (2023-12-24 00:13:43)
- Reading Commodore 900 disks in the 8250 (LP) Michal Pleban (2024-01-10 11:31:08)
- C64 & Amiga secon fire buttons Pasi Lassila (2024-01-18 18:44:49)
- Reaching out to Gideon Zweijtzer A. Fachat (2024-02-03 14:25:26)
- VIA shift register "bug" A. Fachat (2024-02-03 14:30:22)
- CBM 2031 source code anywhere? Francesco Messineo (2024-02-15 21:11:46)
- CBM 610 monitor Didier Derny (2024-02-18 10:09:13)
- 1540/2031 schematic error? Francesco Messineo (2024-02-20 10:12:53)
- expanding a CBM 610 to 256k Didier Derny (2024-02-20 12:19:22)
- 1541C/1571 trk0 detection code Francesco Messineo (2024-02-23 14:30:59)
- Did all plastic C128Ds have a missing U35? Jim Brain (2024-03-20 15:57:26)
- vic-20 basic on cartridge jacob dahl pind (2024-03-25 13:26:47)
- vic-20 basic on cartridge jacob dahl pind (2024-03-25 14:48:44)
- Datel Midi Interface Terry Raymond (2024-04-02 02:55:01)
- oops Terry Raymond (2024-04-02 02:56:30)
- Cp/maker floppy disks images didier derny (2024-04-03 10:14:56)
- datel Midi interface Terry Raymond (2024-04-10 17:09:41)
- help ruud_at_baltissen.org (2024-05-06 13:45:11)
- Vice- REU binary Terry Raymond (2024-05-30 04:14:53)
- Vice Emulator- setup C= 17XX REu's Terry Raymond (2024-05-30 16:59:14)
- Vice 17XX REU binary file Terry Raymond (2024-05-30 17:42:38)
- C64 REU Terry Raymond (2024-05-30 18:23:56)
- Vice 17XX REU's Terry Raymond (2024-05-31 22:56:55)
- 6522: can CAx and CBx used as inputs? ruud_at_baltissen.org (2024-06-02 20:37:44)
- C128 and 8MHz Z80 (revisited) Maciej Witkowiak (2024-06-03 23:56:30)
- Micro-PET family of PET clone boards (open source) A. Fachat (2024-07-12 08:58:09)
- SuperCPU MMU reproduction Justin (2024-07-14 11:43:08)
- MicroPlus Serial board for the CBM8032 Didier Derny (2024-10-06 20:09:40)
- "Less than" key and PET tape drive, again Rhialto (2025-01-04 23:50:11)
- testing SFD1001 spindle speed Francesco Messineo (2025-02-12 14:03:34)
- Re: "unknown" 1001/82500 disk Francesco Messineo (2025-02-14 17:51:25)
- PLA equations for the 1551 drive's cart Francesco Messineo (2025-02-21 10:17:32)