Hallo MichaĆ, > https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/def345e147219a7892eb8140dfeb1c77b29dce38 I found the page containing the above formula and through that run into https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horner%27s_method . This let to: var arFacCos, arFacSin : array[0..15] of real; arFactorial : array[1..15] of real; b, i, l : byte; s, z, p, f, x : real; { Create factorial number } function Fac(b : byte) : real; var t : byte; r : real; begin r := 1; for t := 2 to b do r := r * t; Fac := r; end; begin writeln(sin(x)); { Create arrays } for b := 1 to 15 do arFactorial[b] := Fac(b); arFacSin[0] := 0; arFacSin[1] := 1 / arFactorial[1]; arFacSin[2] := 0; arFacSin[3] := -1 / arFactorial[3]; arFacSin[4] := 0; arFacSin[5] := 1 / arFactorial[5]; arFacSin[6] := 0; arFacSin[7] := -1 / arFactorial[7]; arFacSin[8] := 0; arFacSin[9] := 1 / arFactorial[9]; arFacSin[10] := 0; arFacSin[11] := -1 / arFactorial[11]; arFacSin[12] := 0; arFacSin[13] := 1 / arFactorial[13]; arFacSin[14] := 0; arFacSin[15] := -1 / arFactorial[15]; p := 1; s := arFacSin[0]; for b := 1 to 15 do begin p := p * x; s := s + arFacSin[b] * p; end; writeln(s); { Horner } s := (arFacSin[15] * x) + arFacSin[14]; for b := 13 downto 0 do begin s := arFacSin[b] + x * s; end; writeln(s); end. The idea is to use tables instead of calculating the various factors. In the final assembly version this will constants in FP format, not variables. That reduces your formula to the first FOR loop. Knowing, thanks to you, where to look for, I found Horner's method which reduced the FOR loop even further. I even can reduce the number of steps by skipping those steps where arFacSin[b] is zero (plus some other needed changes). Next step is tangens. I found the formula but here I ran into trouble: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigonometric_functions#Power_series_expansion . The formula includes Bernoulli numbers and from here on I couldn't follow it anymore. I could use the method GWBASIC uses: calculate SIN(x) and divide it by COS(x) but that involves too many calculations IMHO. But suddenly I realized that I have a neighbor who is bachelor in mathematics, my own son. I asked him and he will look at these this and will either produce an end formula or give me a table with these numbers. Next steps: EXP, LN, LOG, etc., etc. But know I know on who's door to knock :) -- Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet, Ruud Baltissen www.Baltissen.orgReceived on 2022-09-28 22:00:03
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