On 24/9/22 15:10, Rhialto wrote: > The algorithm I had before required 64-bit floats (long > double) and somebody complained that those are (strangely!) not > supported by the Apple M1 compilers. Uhm?. In current computers, in C language using IEEE-754, float is 32 bits and double is 64 bits. Long double is not standard AFAIK, but it is usually 80 bits in x86 CPUs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_double Maybe you mean 64 bit mantissa? -- Jesús Cea Avión _/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ jcea_at_jcea.es - https://www.jcea.es/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ Twitter: _at_jcea _/_/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ jabber / xmpp:jcea_at_jabber.org _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ "Things are not so easy" _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/ "My name is Dump, Core Dump" _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ "El amor es poner tu felicidad en la felicidad de otro" - LeibnizReceived on 2022-10-13 06:00:15
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