Hallo Didier, The interrupt routine only inverts bit 7 at $e476. My question is: do you see a checker board all the time? I think answer is "yes" because the shown checker board is $7F. And I assume that 1) the checker board shows up when you move the cursor over an existing character and 2) that this character reappears when you move the cursor? Added later: does it "blink"? If so, here are my thoughts (so far): - This is a software cursor, the hardware cursor of the 6845 is not used, so we can rule out the 6845 itself. - The character is read at $E46e, "lda (CurScrLine),Y"/"B1 C4". This is a two-bytes instruction. If this instructio is replaced by "lda #$FF"/"A9 FF", then you have a possible answer for your problem. Problem here: this answer does change the contents of the screen memory but does not restore the original value when you move the cursor. Just check if your E-ROM is OK and that should rule out this answer. - Broken CPU? No, because: what could be broken that it only shows up now? - Broken RAMs? No, that would show up in other characters as well. And you did replace that. - Broken buffers between the video RAM and CPU, in the direction form RAM to CPU? No, then all four ICs have to be broken. - Bad signal that steers the mentioned buffers? That could be but: if the buffers don't output anything, $FF is read. Inverting bit 7 means it becomes $7F. Question, you didn't mention that the cursor "blinks" so: does it? If not, that explains a steady checker board. The bummer of this answer is the same as above: it does change the contents of the screen memory but does not restore the original value when you move the cursor. So the question remains: what does change the read value into $7F but does not change the contents of the video memory? No solution from me but maybe it triggers someone else to have another idea. Met vriendelijke groet, Ing. Ruud Baltissen Senior Beheerder TI [cid:image001.jpg_at_01D91123.C19C3DF0] APG Datacentermanagement GK1 00.12A Oude Lindestraat 70 6411EJ Heerlen T+M: +31 45 579 3980 Email: ruud.baltissen_at_apg.nl<mailto:ruud.baltissen_at_apg.nl> URL: www.apg.nl<http://www.apg.nl/> APG verzorgt pensioenadministratie, vermogensbeheer, communicatie en bestuursadvisering. De informatie in dit e-mailbericht is vertrouwelijk en uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Wanneer u dit bericht per abuis ontvangt, verzoeken wij u contact op te nemen met de afzender per kerende e-mail. Verder verzoeken wij u in dat geval dit e-mailbericht te vernietigen en de inhoud ervan aan niemand openbaar te maken. Wij aanvaarden geen aansprakelijkheid voor onjuiste, onvolledige dan wel ontijdige overbrenging van de inhoud van een verzonden e-mailbericht, noch voor daarbij overgebrachte virussen. APG Groep N.V. is gevestigd te Heerlen en is ingeschreven in het handelsregister van de Kamer van Koophandel Limburg onder nummer 14099617 The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and may be privileged. It may be read, copied and used only by the intended recipient. If you have received it in error, please contact the sender immediately by return e-mail; please delete in this case the e-mail and do not disclose its contents to any person. We don't accept liability for any errors, omissions, delays of receipt or viruses in the contents of this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. APG Groep N.V. is registered in the trade register of the Chamber of Commerce Limburg, The Netherlands, registration number: 14099617
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