Hi all and my best wishes for this year. At the heart of every 8 bit Commodore computer there is a 6502 core. Yes, there are variants with this or that included but basically they are all 6502. What make them different is the what companion chips every model include and how they are configured. With current technologies and the use of fpga and cpld, all those variations could be implemented in one of two chips, replacing PLA and glue logic, while keeping the custom MOS chips like VIC, SID and others. And even some of these could be also replaced by modern recreations. That way, with a single hardware platform, every 8 bit Commodore computer could be had. And also, new computers could be created by just creating new logic configurations. Only the kernel and OS for these computers would be needed to be coded. What do you think?Received on 2023-01-10 19:00:01
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