CBM-II User Connector pinout

From: groepaz_at_gmx.net
Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 16:02:46 +0200
Message-ID: <2644727.vuYhMxLoTh_at_rakete>

I wonder if someone can point me to a clear documentation of the pinout of the
interal "user port" connector in the CBM-II machines. So far i found this
table in one of the service manuals:

    Pin  ID     IC          Use
     1   GND
     2   PB2    TPI 6525    PRB2
     3   GND
     4   PB3    TPI 6525    PRB3
     5   !PC    CIA 6526    -PC         (Handshake PRB I/0, Output)
     6   !FL.   Cass-Read   -FLAG       (Interrupt, Input)
     7   2D7    CIA 6526    PRB7
     8   2D6    CIA 6526    PRB6
     9   2D5    CIA 6526    PRB5
    10   2D4    CIA 6526    PRB4
    11   2D3    CIA 6526    PRB3
    12   2D2    CIA 6526    PRB2
    13   2D1    CIA 6526    PRB1
    14   2D0    CIA 6526    PRB0
    15   1D7    CIA 6526    PRA7
    16   1D6    CIA 6526    PRA6
    17   1D5    CIA 6526    PRA5
    18   1D4    CIA 6526    PRA4
    19   lD3    CIA 6526    PRA3
    20   1D2    CIA 6526    PRA2
    21   1D1    CIA 6526    PRA1
    22   1D0    CIA 6526    PRA0
    23   !CNT   CIA 6526    -CNT
    24   +5V DC
    25   !IRQ   TPI 6525    PRC5
    26   SP     CIA 6526    SP          (Serial Port I/O)

But unfortunately no indication of how the pins are counted at the connector.
Lets say we are looking into the machine, the connector is located at the top
left of the board:

    o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
    o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Which pin is what? :)


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