Hi all, On 21/07/2023, Baltissen, GJPAA (Ruud) <ruud.baltissen_at_apg.nl> wrote: >[...] And then the thought > crossed my mind: are there any other Operating Systems that can boot on the > C128? > > I stressed my memory but cannot think of anything, not even remembering to > have at least read about it. Just curiosity and maybe a future project 😊 Well, my own project in that regard remains vaporware, but I will point you to [https://c-128.freeforums.net/board/14/alt-os] in hopes that it may give you some leads. I... don't _think_ you need to be a member to read it? I admit to some bias because one of the bigger threads was full of my own long-winded blather, but there's also a lot of other stuff in there that's actually interesting. I hope this is, if not helpful, at least not annoying. Gordon S. -- The world’s only gsteemso Agitator-in-Chief for the Seattle Retro-Computing Society http://www.seattleretrocomputing.com/Received on 2023-07-21 18:00:03
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