Frankly I don't know why it's a bug or not The essential is that finally they made a great processor that powered our machines... I am more concerned by the w65c51 and the w65c816 still sold knowing that the w65c51 is unusable and the w65c816 crippled by bugs In emulation mode Le 12 févr. 2024, 08:39, à 08:39, Francesco Messineo <> a écrit: >On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 8:31 AM Francesco Messineo ><> wrote: >> >> On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 8:12 AM Julian Perry ><> wrote: >> > >> > I'm sure I'm very late to the party, but have learned that the >infamous ROR bug in 1975 6502's actually was not a bug - just an >unimplemented feature. >> > Seems like the builder of the Monster 6502,Eric Schlaepfer spoke >with Bill Mensch in 1991 on the topic, and Bill confirmed that the ROR >instruction was simply not implemented in the silicon at all - and was >only added after demand for it became compelling. In a short youtube >video he puts a compelling case for this - (including >reverse-engineering, die-shots and circut: diagrams and I think is the >definitive word on the subject. >> > >> >> it was definitely a bug, no other manufacturer would add an >> instruction on the second revision of a CPU. They couldn't fix the >> design in time for the planned first release and that was a brilliant >> move to not delay the CPU time to market but obviously they intended >> to fix the missing instruction. >> Both Chuck Peddle and Bill Mensch in their oral history confirmed >that >> the ROR instruction was planned but something went wrong during the >> first masks layout and they better left it out instead of delaying >the >> 6502 release. > >and just to add some other facts: $66 $76 $6E $7E opcodes line >perfectly into the ASL/LSR/ROL decoding mask and there're almost no >holes in that line of opcodes, so they had left just the right holes >in the decoding ROM but without planning for it? Give me a break. > >>Received on 2024-02-12 12:00:04
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