Hello, * On Thu, Feb 15, 2024 at 09:11:46PM +0100 Francesco Messineo wrote: > 2031 is not on this very good repository: > https://github.com/mist64/cbmsrc > > Does anyone know where I could find a disassembled 2031 firmware? Do I > really need to start from scratch (disassembling, labeling etc...) When I worked on the 1540/1541/1570/1571 sources, I also included the 2031 because it is very similar to the 1540. You can say that the 1540 is just the 2031 with the (paralle) IEEE routines changed to the (serial) IEC one. Of course, it is not the official source. I have put my efforts into https://spiro.trikaliotis.net/cbmrom. It assembles with ca65 from the cc65 suite. Regards, Spiro -- Spiro R. Trikaliotis https://spiro.trikaliotis.net/Received on 2024-02-15 22:00:18
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