Any composite monochrome monitor. Here is the monitor Protecto used to sell along with the American equivalent b128 Something called a pi3 usl (I think). There was something about the intensity and picture tube that makes this one look better than a standard vbm.color.monitor, such as a 1701. Bill On Sun, Feb 18, 2024, 4:16 AM Didier Derny <> wrote: > Hi All :) > > what kind of monitor may I connect to a commodore 610 ? > > any solution to connect to a modern flat screen ? > > I still have a flat screen monitor with HDMI, VGA, PERITEL, RCA and YPbPr > > (works fine with a Vic20 or C64) > > > thanks for your advices > > > > >Received on 2024-02-18 13:00:05
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